Chapter 9: A Confusing Dilemma!

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"Y/N! Are you alright?!" Leon exclaimed, rushing over to you. Charizard pushed Suicune's body off you and you lay on the ground, unresponsive.

"....Y/N?" Leon whispered, gently shaking you. No response. Leon shook you a bit more forcefully.

"Y/N! Please respond! Y/N? Y/N!!!"

"Leon, stop shaking her," Raihan interrupted, his tone calm. He crouched down next to you and checked you over for injuries. "She has a nasty bruise on the right side of her forehead. Other than that...I don't see anything else..."

You groaned as your eyes slowly opened, trying to adjust to your surroundings.

"She's waking up," Raihan said.

"How are you feeling Y/N?" Leon asked. You stared at the sky for a bit, unable to process what was currently happening.

"....Where am I?" You murmured, attempting to sit up. Your vision got so blurry that you couldn't see your hand in front of you.

"Don't move...We need to get you to a hospital," Leon murmured.

"...W-where's Suicune?!" You exclaimed, frantically looking around.

"....Suicune is in its pokéball."

You reached for your side, noticing that Suicune's pokéball was indeed there. You stood up, clutching the side of your head.

"I need to leave..." You murmured, making your way past both Leon and Raihan. Leon stopped you in your tracks.

"Where do you think your going Y/N?" Leon asked, grabbing one of your wrists. "You're injured."

"...I don't care," You murmured.

"You need medical attention."

"I don't care!"

You tried to move away from Leon, but he held you in place.

"Y/N. I'm taking you to the hospital. Whether you like it or not."

"Let me go!" You exclaimed, trying to pull away from him. His grip was too strong.

"Y/N. Stop fighting. You'll hurt yourself."

"I won't let you take Suicune away from me!!!" Was what you wanted to say, but your speech came out jumbled.

"...Your speech..." Leon said, growing worried by the minute.

"Let me go!!!!"

"Let her go Champ," Raihan said, placing a hand on Leon's shoulder. "She won't get far in this state regardless."

Leon hesitantly let you go and you moved past him. You took a few shaky steps before you fell back to the ground, passing out.


You woke up to the feeling of a cool breeze. You immediately sat up, noticing that you were in a hospital room of some sort. What in the world happened?

"Ah, you're awake."

You noticed that Leon was sitting in a chair a few feet away from you. He closed the newspaper he was reading.

"...Ugh...I feel like I was hit by a bus...What happened?" You murmured.

"You passed out when Suicune fell on you. The doctor said you suffered a concussion," Leon said.

"Oh...That explains my splitting headache. 400 plus pounds of a pokémon will do that to you. I need to put Suicune on a diet," You joked. Leon sighed.

"...Y/N, what were you thinking rushing into battle like that? You could've been killed."

"I know..." You murmured, looking away. "I had to do something though. If Suicune had hurt you or Raihan, I don't think I could live with myself..."

A Champion's Time (Leon x Reader x Raihan)Where stories live. Discover now