Chapter 28: A Time to Bond!

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"You fell on a fork during a pillow fight?!"

"Mhmm! You should've heard the fork pun Leon, it was legendary!" You exclaimed. "You should take a stab at one!"

Leon sighed and you laughed aloud, wiping away your stray tears. You were currently sitting in a hospital bed, awaiting to be discharged. Thankfully the fork didn't plunge too deep.

"Y/N, how could you joke at a time like this...?" Leon asked. Your smile faltered when you noticed his troubled expression.

"S-sorry Leon. I didn't mean to upset you..." You murmured. Leon sat near the edge of the bed and pulled you into a warm hug.

"I'm not upset! Just...worried. Thankfully you didn't grab anything sharper..." Leon murmured. You giggled and Leon smiled. "Arceus, you're so adorable. After your leg is healed up, perhaps I could take you out? I'll buy you anything you want~"

"Leon! You don't have to do that!"

"I know, but I want to! What's mine is yours, Sweetheart~"

You blushed and looked away.

"....I-if you say so. If that's the case, then what would you like from me...?" You asked. Leon pondered your question and grinned when realization hit him.

"Oh! I know! How about children? I would love to have kids-"

"Leon!! We are not having children under any circumstances!!!" You exclaimed, your cheeks on fire. Leon laughed in response.

"Aww, there's no need to be shy Y/N. It'll be a Champion time~"

The weight on the bed shifted as you squeaked, your back landing against the bed underneath you. You felt soft lips press against your collarbone, leaving a trail of kisses against your burning skin. Your hands tangled in Leon's hair as you tried to steady you shaky breaths.


Leon paused when he heard his name, his lips resting against your neck.


"G-get off me!"

Leon pulled himself up, his eyes studying your flustered expression. He laughed before he helped you back into a sitting position.

"If you insist~" Leon teased, kissing the side of you cheek. He then climbed out of bed and dusted himself off. "I'll be back in a bit, okay?"

You nodded and Leon made his way out the room. Once you were positive he left, you climbed out of bed and hopped over to the window.

"Alright," You said, placing both hands on the window. "It's been fun you guys, but I'ma head out."

You attempted to open the window, but to your surprise, it wouldn't budge.

"Wha? W-why is it not opening?" You murmured, applying more force.

"Because it's sealed shut, Princess."

You gasped and spun around, noticing that Raihan was now sitting in the hospital bed, his hands behind his head.

You hadn't even heard him come in.

"A-arceus, you guys really thought of everything. Congrats, I guess..." You grumbled.

"Thanks. Now have a seat."

You sighed before hopping back into bed, sitting right next to Raihan.

"I thought you stopped jumping out windows, Princess."

"I w-wasn't going to jump. H-honest," You said, your cheeks tinting pink. Raihan then wrapped an arm around you and pulled you closer.

"Who taught you how to lie?" Raihan asked. He didn't even bother to look up from his phone.

A Champion's Time (Leon x Reader x Raihan)Where stories live. Discover now