Chapter 6: A Missing Leon?!

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"I can believe Raihan dragged me into this. He didn't give me choice, Suicune. I didn't even have time to think!" You explained.

Both you and Suicune were currently sitting in bed at an inn. Suicune took up most of the bed while you sat comfortably on the edge, rubbing its side.

"You're going to have to stay in your pokéball for tonight, okay Suicune? You...don't do so well around others," You sheepishly said.

Suicune sighed but eventually nodded in agreement. You returned Suicune to its pokéball and stood up, stretching a little.

"Great, now that that's settled..." You checked the time on your phone, noticing that you had about 30 minutes before Raihan and Leon showed up. "I should head to the pokémart."

You opened your door and slammed right into someone's chest, stumbling back a little. When you looked up, surprise flashed across your face.

"Raihan!?" You exclaimed, "What are you doing here so early?!"

"Hey Y/N, just here to drop off the drinks," Raihan said, a small grin on his face. "You seem to be in a rush. You don't plan on bailing on us, do you?"

"No. I'm just heading to the store for some snacks." You said.

"Oh? Leon's already got that covered. He's at the store right now."

"What?! He is? ...By himself?" You asked, memories of what Raihan mentioned before flashing through your mind.

"Yeah. He isn't answering his phone so he's definitely lost. I was going to go look for him-"

"I'll help too," You said, moving so Raihan could enter your room. "It shouldn't be too hard. Leon sticks out like a sore thumb. Plus, two people searching is better than one."

"Sounds fun," Raihan said, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. "Just to let you know, Leon's horrible sense of direction is contagious. I don't want you to disappear on me, Y/N."

"Don't worry, I don't plan on getting lost," You said, laughing a little.

The two of you visited the pokémart in search for the Champion. Raihan decided it was best to split up and call each other once Leon was found. You each went your separate ways; you deciding it was best to ask around.

"Excuse me, but have you seen a guy with purple hair that stands about *this* tall?" You mimicked Leon's height by standing on your tip toes and putting your hand way above your head.

No one had seen him.

"That's bizarre," You murmured, walking down a random aisle. "Maybe he found his own way out? I don't know where else he could be..."

"Who are you looking for?"

You felt two hands fall on your shoulders and you nearly screamed.

"Woah! Easy Y/N," Leon replied, turning you around so you could see him. "Are you alright? I didn't mean to scare you."

"Leon? Where have you been?! We've been looking for you!" You exclaimed.

"We?" Leon said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, Raihan and I."

"Oh. But I wasn't lost. I just...didn't know exactly where I was," Leon sheepishly said. You facepalmed.

"That's what being lost means Leon. Come on." You grabbed Leon's hand and led him back to the front of the store, never taking your eyes off him.

"Aww Y/N, if you keep staring at me like that, I might blush~" Leon said. "You're so pretty...Are you single?"

"Leon, now is not the time to ask such silly questions."

"Do you like flowers?"

"Leon. Please." You used your free hand to call Raihan. "Hey, I found Leon. was more like he found me."

"Already?? Not bad, Y/N. Make sure you keep an eye on him. Meet me outside," Raihan said.


You attempted to lead Leon out the front sliding doors, but he stopped in his tracks when he noticed something.

"...Wait. Y/N, what's that?" Leon asked.

You looked in the direction where Leon was pointing, noticing an employee giving out free samples. When you moved closer, you immediately recognized the food.

"Those are Poffins!" You exclaimed, moving over to the stand. "Poffins originated from the Sinnoh region and are food for pokémon. Suicune absolutely adores Poffins!"

The employee handed you two bags of poffins and you grabbed one with each hand.

"Your Charizard has got to try one of these Leon!" You said, turning around. ".....Leon?"

He was gone. Without a trace.

You dropped both bags of poffins, unable to process what was currently happening.

You turned away for two seconds.

Two seconds.

"I can't believe him!" You said over the phone. "He was just here Raihan!! Just! Here!"

"Woah, what? What's wrong Y/N?" Raihan asked.

" distracted," You murmured.

"Okay...? Where's Leon?"

"Gone. Reduced to atoms."

You heard Raihan burst into laughter, your cheeks heating up. You gripped your phone a bit tighter as you spoke.

"This is not funny Raihan! It's all my fault! What if Leon is missing in this store forever? What will Galar do without their champion?!"

"Okay okay..." Raihan said, finally calming down. "I see your point. Regroup with me outside and we'll figure out what to do from there."

You hung up and sighed, making your way out the pokémart. When you found Raihan, you also noticed him casually talking to another person.

"L-Leon! Why the heck are you outside!!" You exclaimed, making your way over to the two. "Can't you stay in place for like, 5 seconds??"

"Ahaha...Sorry Y/N," Leon sheepishly said.

"No excuses," You growled. "You had me worried!" Leon smiled and Raihan was currently doubled over, trying not to laugh.

"You knew he was out here, didn't you Raihan!" You exclaimed.

"....Of course not Y/N," Raihan said, feigning innocence. "It was just a coincidence."

"The two of you are as good as dead," You hissed.

"Well, before that happens, I bought you a gift," Leon said, handing you a bouquet of beautiful purple flowers. Your anger was soon replaced with mostly surprise, and a hint of confusion.

"W-what?" You said.

"They're for you," Leon explained. "Take them."

After a moment of hesitation you took the flowers, unsure of what to say.

"W-why did you buy these?" You asked, completely dumbfounded.

"I saw them in the flower section and got distracted...Which is why I kinda disappeared in the middle of our conversation. They're beautiful, don't you think? They remind me of you."

"You...didn't have to..."

"Ahaha~ What's the matter Y/N? You were just scolding me a couple of seconds ago," Leon said, smiling a little.

"Wow Champ. Giving a girl flowers? You might as well propose while your at it," Raihan casually said.

"Oh? But I don't have a ring-"

"Thanks for the flowers!!!" You exclaimed, a blush across your cheeks. "I appreciate it! Now let's just drop this conversation right now!"

"As you wish~"

A Champion's Time (Leon x Reader x Raihan)Where stories live. Discover now