Chapter 14

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Viscera's POV

I see the sunrise and I also see Colt is asleep. I stretch and just try to calm myself down. Last night was a mess, I couldn't sleep, I was crying like a kid, and who knows what else. I shake Colt awake and I make sure to keep my distance, and I'm right as he flails his arms around and almost punches me. "Watch it." I snap at him, "Save it for the arena." He just shrugs and I'm surprised to see that for breakfast, all there is is fruit, not the delicate desserts, no rich flavors, just fruit in a basket.

"Gotta eat healthy today, but you only have like thirty seconds, you sleepy heads." Greir says and I scramble and pick up an apple as my stylist pushes me out of the room. My mentor meets me outside and gives me all the advice she can and I walk into some sort of helicopter or plane, I don't know what it is. They inject a tracker into my skin, it's like touching the bone or something, but they really put it in deep. I see the rest of my competitors. Some looked absolutely terrified, well, who can blame them. Some look like they are holding it together, and the careers look smug, like they are gonna kill everyone, but I won't let that happen.

I get out of the helicopter and I see we are underground and two peacekeepers escort me to my room. I see my stylist, and a huge glass tube, and I realize I'm shaking with fear. "Here it is, the only advice I can give you is... well don't get this red." She puts my jacket on, and I walk into the glass tube. I hear a voice call out,

"Ten seconds." After what feels like five, the case closes, and I'm trapped. My tube rises up, and I am vibrating like never before. I am so scared I could pee my pants.

I see the first ray of the sun, and I see the other tributes. They went in numerical order this year which I'm so happy about. But I see the 9's smile, and I see why. To the right is a huge field which looks like a terrible hiding spot, but that's just what the 9's are used to. Miles of farmland, flat farmland. I look to the right, and I see this huge mountain encased with snow. Then I hear a voice. "Welcome to the 45th annual hunger games. And, may the odds be ever in your favor." I hear a countdown start at sixty seconds. I can almost hear the capitol cheering for our deaths. I look around the arena for any signs of anything unusual, but then again, everything is unusual. I see the careers on the other side sizing up their competition, and I look at the cornucopia. There are crates all over, bottles, weapons, and then I see a katana. I smile a bit, knowing if I get that, I can win this thing.

"10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..." I sprint like I've never ran before. Unlike other years, there's no obstacles in the way of getting there, so everyone gets there quickly. I see Garner trip over a crate, but all I can do is get that katana. I'm tackled and I hit the ground, with my face in the dirt. I look back and I see Blaze, the girl from 2. She tries to run a knife in my face but I successfully dodge it, and I kick her off me and throw and crate into her face, causing her nose and face to bleed. I try to get to a katana but I trip over something. It's a boy's body, and I see one of Blaze's knives in his back.

I scramble up and finally grab the katana. I then see Blaze, but she's distracted by something else. The boy from 3 makes some kind of harpoon gun and shoots it into the girl from 7, killing her immediately. Then the boy from 2 stabs a knife in his back as the girls from 1 and 3 sprint away. I see Blaze kill the boy from 6 and I know what I have to do.

I grab my katana and sprint at her. I kick her to the ground and I stab her in the chest. She coughs blood on my jacket as I twist it in her chest. "See ya." and I leave her there to die. I see Colt being chased and I try to run to him but I'm slammed into the ground by the boy from 2. I see Kernel scream,

"COLT!!!" as an axe is planted into his back by the district 7 male.

The boy from 2 punches me in the nose and I scream in pain. "Shut up." he snaps and he says as he raises a knife to my head, "For Blaze." I take this opportunity to kick him in the guts and sprint towards the mountains. I see Kernel get axed by the boy from 7, but before I can do anything Jo screams in anger for his fellow allies and stabs him in the heart.

Chaff's POV

I trudge through the snow, trying to find something, as it's been about an hour after the bloodbath. I hear the cannons go, "1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10... 11." I count aloud, and I find a place to rest after I clear out all the snow. I got no weapon, but maybe I can kill some people using my bare hands? I did get a small bag and I check it. There is a bag of food, a bottle of water, and a fire starter if I can find some wood. I do find a small carving knife at the bottom though, so maybe I can make a weapon out of wood.

I eat a bit of the food, of course I'm trying to ration it so I only eat a bit to gain some energy. I hear cheering and a group of people, and it can only be one group, the careers. I duck behind a boulder so I can hide from them. "Did you see his face, he's like 'I'll protect you!' I wanna barf." says the boy from 1,

"I can't believe we couldn't kill that crybaby from 12, at least we got her crush." laughs the boy from 2, and I can see the 4's are being quiet. They decide to set up camp right where I was, so I can't get any sleep that night, and I try to stay as quiet as possible. At about midnight the careers are asleep, until the fallen projects in the sky. I hope that Soya isn't on that list.

The people that are dead are the girl from 2, the boy from 3, the girl from 5, who I saw got her leg amputated and then finished off by the boy from 2. The boy from 6, which I'm surprised because his district partner is still alive, both from 7, as the girl I think I saw her hiding in the cornucopia, where she was found by the boy from 3 and killed. Both from 8, which I thought they could run fast, then I remember me hitting the girl with a crate because she was trying to kill me, I must've broken her face and she bled to death, which I feel really bad about. The girl from 9, who the capitol must be mad about dying, because they loved her. The boy from 10, and the boy from 12, who must've died protecting his district partner.

So the people alive are both from 1, the boy from 2, the girl from 3, both from 4, the boy from 5, the girl from 6, the boy from 9, who must be in the fields. The girl from 10, me and Soya, and the girl from 12. Thirteen remain. The careers fall asleep, and this gives me the opportunity to scurry away, as I head to the fields, away from the careers.

I get tired at sunrise though and I'm just at the bottom of the mountain, so I make a fire out of a dry bush, and get some sleep.

No Longer In the Fields, 45th Hunger Games (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now