Chapter 19

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Viscera's POV

Chaff wakes me up as I guess he wants to move so Siren can't find us, so I wake up and I pack up my stuff. We have a very interesting alliance, we don't totally trust each other, like yesterday I was sharpening my katana and he kinda started walking away and he went to 'gather', taking his knife with him. Maybe I'm interpreting this wrong, but it's just a little weird. "Where are we going?" I asked Chaff,

"We are going up the mountain,'' he answered, "Got the blanket?" I shrug,

"No... I never had a blanket." I raise an eyebrow at him. He looks at me, confused,

"I thought you did..." I shake my head. I think Chaff is losing it, and I don't mean that jokingly. We've all seen people die in front of us, Like me for example, I saw the girl from 1, but I think it is really affecting him, badly and probably the worst. We argue for a bit and we decide once we see snow we should camp where we are.

As we are walking I begin to worry about Chaff, as he hasn't lost his memory quite yet, only him zoning out. We walk for most of the day until we see snow up ahead, it's like the terrain just shifts right there, like in some kind of fantasy book. On this side, all the plants are alive and the trees are huge, while on the other side everything is just poured in snow and dead, and it's kinda beautiful in a weird way.

I then realize where everyone is, everyone is not gonna be up in the snowy area of the mountains, as they'll freeze to death, but they aren't gonna be in the field as it is too open, and everyone left is smart and isn't gonna die easy, which only makes me feel worse.

As the sun sets, I see Chaff zoning out again. I shake him a little, "O-oh, sorry." he shudders, I laugh,

"Your fine." He gets up and sorts the supplies, I look at the sunset as I haven't seen anything this beautiful since I got in here.

"Dinner is served!" Chaff puts a piece of bread and a few peaches and I laugh,

"Gourmet." I eat on my log stump like I'm eating a luxury dinner like before the games, before the violence, the death, the cold. I lick my fingers to get all the delicious juice, as I never know if it will be the last thing I taste before blood.

I look back and see that Chaff must've gone and gathered as I'm sure the only one getting sponsors is that girl from 4. I hear rustling in the bushes and I lunge for my katana but I'm too late when I get a face full of dirt and I hear a huge roar from behind me, which is like nothing I've ever heard before, and a cold chill goes down my spine after another roar is heard right behind me. All of the sudden the thing on top of me goes limp and I see Chaff rip a knife from the thing's chest, spurting blood everywhere.

I am lost for words as I see the killer in Chaff's eyes, and when he looks at me I jump up. He looks down at his hand and he drops the knife and stumbles back, looking at the blood on it. I grab his arm and he jerks it back, "I'm fine Viscera." He snaps, "I'll take watch." I stare at him, lay in the sleeping bag I got from the feast, and fall asleep, keeping my katana close.

No Longer In the Fields, 45th Hunger Games (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now