Chapter 17

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Viscera's POV

I'm walking down the mountain to get to that feast. I left all my stuff back at my camp, and all I had was my katana. I look to my right, and I see a girl up against a tree. I realize it's the girl from 1, and I walk up to her and raise my katana. I have no idea what is happening to her, but she is twisting and turning and her eyes turn to the back of her head, and all there is is white.

"Oh my god!!!" I yell and I fall back. I look and I see berries in her hand, and I recognize them immediately, Actaea. The girl starts coughing and twitching, then she stops moving, and I hear a canon. I put the berries in my pocket, maybe I can kill someone with them, but I know I'm gonna be scarred for life after that. I see the cornucopia in the distance, and I hide in a bush, which I know everyone is gonna do. I wait for about ten minutes, and still... no one.

I get ready to break the ice and run, then a little girl, probably 12, sprints and grabs a small flask of water and a backpack, then another girl sprints and then the careers come out. The girl is fast though, and she grabs a backpack and tries to sprint away but she gets a spear in the leg and crashes down. The boy from 1 tries to spear her in the chest but there is a huge explosion. I sprint out to the cornucopia and I see the twins getting up, the boys from 11 and 5 sprint out as well, and the boy from 1 dead on the ground.

I look for a backpack but I trip over someone, and it's the girl from 3. She must've thrown the bomb or something, and killed the boy from 1 and injured everyone. I hear two canons and I see the girl from 12 scramble away. I count who's left, the 4's, the boy from 5, the girl from 6, me, both from 11, and the girl from 12, 8 left. I see the 4's chasing the boy from 11, with the boy from 5 running after them. I look at the girl from 11. She has brown hair, hazel eyes, dark skin, and freckles all over her.

We just stare at each other for a while, unsure about what to do. I can see she's young, maybe about 14, and she has no weapon. She looks at my katana and grabs a knife and one of the last backpacks and jogs away. I'm the last one, and I grab the last backpack and I, too, run away.

Chaff's POV

I'm running as fast as I can to get away from the twins. I don't hear they're voices, just their footsteps and heavy breathing. I get to the woods and I try to lose them, but they have me in their sights and it's impossible. "Give... up!" I pant, these people can run fast! I look back and I see the boy is holding a sword and a trident, and the girl is holding a bow and keeps shooting at me. I start getting slower and the boy pushes me against a tree.

He slashes my hand off and blood splurts out of it. I scream, and he just smirks. "Time to make it 7." he says with a smile, and holds his trident up, getting ready to stab me. I close my eyes ready for my death, but I don't feel anything. I open my eyes and see the boy from 5's knife in his heart, and he collapses.

"I suggest you get out of here." He says, and I take no hesitation to get up and sprint away. I look back and see him battle the girl, and the girl stab her brother's sword in his chest, and I hear a canon. I'm out of the sight of the girl and once I make it to my camp, I curl up and I think I've lost it. I've seen so much blood, so much death, and I just sit there and think of everyone that has died. I grab some berries from a bush and I'm about to eat them when I hear a girl's voice scream,

"NO, DON'T!" I look at the girl running at me and it's the girl from 10, one of the people I met in training.

"Do you not recognize these?!" she says, and I examine them a little bit more, and I immediately throw them away once I know what they are. A lot of people back home die from Actaea and I feel stupid for not recognizing them.

"Oh my god, you just saved my damn life Viscera!" I hug her, and she hugs back,

"Eh, no problem." she says sarcastically. We talk about what has happened the past few days, who is alive, how to kill them, and discuss an alliance. We say yes to the alliance,

"Now, how do we kill these people?" I ask, and she answers,

"Most of these people are not fighters. The girl from 12 is injured, she'll be easy, your district partner, who I hope we don't have to kill, has some skills with a knife. The little girl from 6 is smart, she'll survive until the end. And now the girl twin..." she says, and I know she is the biggest threat.

"She, I honestly don't know how to kill her." I say, "Maybe we just get lucky?" She says, and we laugh. We talk a bit more, all the way until midnight, when we see the fallen projected in the sky. It shows the girl from 1, the boy from 1, the girl from 3, and the boy from 5. I lay down as she says she will take watch, and I get some sleep.

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