Part 5

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I woke up once again by Jordan so I smiled then looked at the time
You: oh shit!
I guess I yelled loud enough to wake up Jordan
J: what happened
You: I'm fucking late to school
J: oh can I go
You: your in college
J: so I can just go for fun
You: your staying here
J: ughhh your so boring
You: shut the fuck up
J: go get ready dumb bitch
I stick the middle finger up at him then we both laugh and I ran to my bathroom to change

You: good?J: yup let's goYou: your taking me to schoolJ: yeah and mom made me walk you to class so you don't skipYou: ughh why can't they just trust meJ: y/n I think you know whyYou: shut upI rolled my eyes then we went in the car and finally made...

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You: good?
J: yup let's go
You: your taking me to school
J: yeah and mom made me walk you to class so you don't skip
You: ughh why can't they just trust me
J: y/n I think you know why
You: shut up
I rolled my eyes then we went in the car and finally made it to class with Jordan
T: y/n why are you late
You: I-
J: family problems
T: I'm sorry I didn't ask you
J: you didn't but I told you
T: excuse me who's your teacher
J: bitch- I dont go to this school so you can't say shit
You: Jordan stop it
J: wtv love you
You: love you to
I push him out of the class and I could hear the class going "ooooooooo" but I just rolled my eyes and went to sit next to Vic and Taylor
T: you have a very rude boyfriend y/n
You: ewww he ain't my boyfriend he's my brother
T: well tell him to to disrespect me
You: uhh your not my mom
T: cut the attitude
You: uhhh ok
School ended and everyone wanted to go to my house so I said yes then we walked to my house
J: hey sis and everyone
You: you didn't pick us up you bit- heyyy mom and dadddd
Mom: no cussing
Dad: I didn't hear anything y/n
We all laughed but my mom hit him in the back of the head
Dad: what you guys gonna do
You: can they all sleepover
Mom: yeah they can
J: no boys in your bed
You: your hanging with us bro
J: Ik
I jump on him and we all went to my room laughing
You: what you guys wanna do
J: bitch let's play a game
You: you always wanna play a game
Tia: Chile- anyways what game you wanna play
J: truth or dare
Ale: isn't that like a child game
You: not the way me and Jordan used to play
Kai: how would you guys used to play it then
J: well we can't no more cuz y/n's sober
Alv: wdym
J: she hasn't told you guys
You: no I did but we used to play like smoking and cocaine and shit like that but I got addicted and that's when things got really bad
Vic: well your sober now
Tay: and that's all that matters
Rob: yk y/n we don't care if you went to rehab
Ro: yeah we love you the way you are
Ale: and we wouldn't judge you from your past
Tia: yup we promise
Kai: hehehehehe we are good people
J: shut up anyways let's play truth or dare
You: way to ruin the moment Jordan
J: oh shut up I'm so proud of you being sober ok
You: Chile Ik
J: wtv anyways y/n truth or dare
You: truth
J: ughhh you got soft
You: fine dare
J: alright I dare you to date a guy for a couple of days then break his little heart
You: bet let me just find a guy
Tay: isn't that mean
J: we don't care
You: Jordan stop it let me put it in a nice way me and Jordan just stop caring about people's feelings but I would never do that to you guys I promise
Tia: yeah we don't care either
Ale: you should do this one guy
You: what's his name
Ale: Kevin
All: that little bitch
J: why him
Vic: he broke my heart
You: bitch I'm going to school tomorrow and imma do it
We just kept playing for the rest of the day until my mom called us done to eat and we all went to sleep

A: I need ideas pleaseeeeeee

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