Part 10

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1 week later

You: tío, no quiero volver
Tío: tienes que mija
You: pero y si se enojan conmigo
Tío: entonces te traeré de vuelta
You: fine
Tío: ok say bye and let's go
M: bye cuzzo I'll see you soon love you
You: bye mads love you to
L: bye y/n love you
You: bye tía love you to

I gave them a quick hug before walking out with my tío. I'm fucking scared like what if they get mad at me and start yelling. If they do then I'm just gonna run away cuz I'm sick of it, I love my family so much but I ain't gonna let them bring me down for going to fucking rehab. I'm a changed person so.

Tío: y/n let's go
You: I'm coming
Tío: call me if you are having problems
You: I will bye tío
Tío: love you see you at school
You: love you to

I watch as he left then I walked up to the door. I knocked on the door and my mom opened it. I was really nervous to say anything but she pulled me into a hug like a tight hug.

Mom: lo siento mucho hija
You: mamá
Mom: Cállate, lo siento, no te estaba prestando atención cuando estabas pasando por momentos difíciles, te prometo que prestaré más atención
You: gracias mamá

My mom let me in the house and I saw my dad and Jordan sitting there with a girl.

Dad: lo siento hija
You: papá está bien
Dad: voy a prestar mas atencion ok
You: lo sé papá

He came up to me and gave me a hug. I looked over at Jordan and the girl when I saw her hit his arm.

J: I'm not saying sorry to you
Mom: Jordan!
Dad: son!
Girl: Jordan what the hell
You: no no it's fine your what pissed at me for walking in on you with your girl? I don't give a fuck anymore but watch when you are gonna need something I won't fucking be there.....fuck you Jordan cuz out of all people I thought you would be there for me, I couldn't even fucking talk to you about what I was feeling the past week.....did you know I would cry every single fucking night because I needed my brother and he wasn't even fucking fuck you Jordan

I went over to him and took off my ring and threw it at him.

You: oh and you I'm pretty sure your a nice girl and welcome to the fucked up family!

I stormed up to my room and slammed the door as hard as I could. I could hear yelling, tears were storming down my cheeks.....I needed Kairi he really understood me. So I called him....

Kai: hey y/n!
You: I n-need y-you right n-now
Kai: what's wrong
You: just p-lease c-come over
Kai: I'm on my way

I hung up on him and kept crying.

Kairi POV
I don't know why y/n called me crying but I grabbed my keys and stuff then rushed out the door. I bursted through the door to see y/n family yelling at Jordan and a girl was there?

Kai: what happened?
J: why are you here
Kai: y/n called me crying saying she needed me
Mom: shut up Jordan!
Dad: go ahead Kairi
Kai: it was probably you huh Jordan
J: what?
Kai: you made her cry didn't you

He stood quiet. I scoffed while walking up the stairs. I opened y/n's door, she looked up at me with tears in her eyes. I slowly walked over her, I opened my arms for her then she hugged me crying. I felt so bad, I laid down and picked her up then laid her on top of me and just let her cry. Her parents came in while she was sleeping.

Mom: how bad was she crying
Kai: um bad
Dad: have you seen her like this before
Kai: yeah a lot of times the past week
Both: oh....

They came up to her and gave her a kiss on the forehead. She moved a little then grabbed me more, Jordan stood by the doorway.

J: can you put this on her
Kai: what is it
J: a ring um it's our matching ring
Kai: maybe you should not me
J: your her best friend
Kai: and your her brother
J: just tell her I'm sorry
Kai: no you tell her that
J: your a bitch
Mom: Jordan!
Dad: why are you acting like this son
Kai: no it's fine he's acting like this cuz he knows what he did was wrong but what did you even do
J: I didn't say sorry that's it
Kai: sorry seems little but to her it means a lot
J: you broke her to
Kai: but who's laying with her, helping her, I said sorry and she forgave me maybe you should try that instead of being a rude ass brother!
J: clam down it's not like you love her
Kai: I do love her! She makes me happy! She's the reason I haven't gave up! You know nothing about me this is the fucking girl I love and will always love!
Mom: that's it Jordan get out now!
Dad: you would be the best boyfriend for her

They pushed Jordan out of the room. Her dad kinda shut the door loud which made y/n jump a little.

You: Kai?
Kai: I'm right here go to sleep
You: oh ok I love you
Kai: I love you to

She laid her head down on my chest and went back to sleep. I looked at her and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

Kai: I love you more than you know......

A: I feel single......

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