Part 17

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All: WHAT?!

I looked down playing with my thumbs nervously. It was silent for a good 5 minutes.

Vic: babe that's ok
Tay: yeah we support wtv decision you make
Alv: we said we would have your back no matter what
Rob: we will help you with the baby so you don't have to do it by yourself
Ro: we love you y/n
Kai: it's ok y/n I support you

I looked up smiling, Madison smiled so big giving me a tight hug. We had a group hug when Jordan broke through. He saw us group hugging then he pulled them away and hugged me.

You: what happened
J: what do you mean
You: tell me now

He looked at me scared, I put my hands on my hips leaning the rest of the group confused.

J: ok uh I might have cheated on savanna and got another girl pregnant
All: oh damn

I looked at him shocked then broke down laughing. Everyone was staring at me confused.

J: what the fuck
Kai: she good
Ale: I don't think she is
Tia: dis bitch
Mad: miss gurl
Alv: obv doesn't laugh in bad situations
Rob: it's way to obvious
Ro: omg what would happen at a funeral
Tay: das my bestie
Vic: she laughing her ass off

I saw all there faces looking so confused making me laugh even more. Omg this is so funny, they all look ugly asf!

You: you cheated on your bitch with another bitch and got that bitch pregnant with a baby on a way with your other bitch!

I laughed more slapping my knee. I needed to go pee so I ran to the bathroom locking it laughing then pee laughing. What the fuck is wrong with me?

You: where Jordan go?
Vic: probably to tell his bitch
Tay: why were you laughing so hard
Alv: and why you run to the bathroom
You: cuz he got another bitch pregnant and I needed to go pee really bad
Rob: I'm guessing you didn't like his girlfriend
Ro: omg y/n
You: nahh I really didn't
Mad: imma go home my mom is looking for me
You: alr let me walk you out
Mad: bye guys
All: bye

Madison gave everyone a hug then I walked with her downstairs. I gave her a big hug and watched her leave riding her skateboard. I turned around to see my parents watching me.

You: what?
Dad: why was she here y/n
You: cuz she's my cousin?
Mom: she got you into drugs!
You: mom! She's your niece bro! And she didn't get my into fucking drugs I got myself into drugs. I was the one who got her into drugs but she knew how to control herself alright guys! So just fucking stop damn!

I went upstairs leaving them shocked. I opened my door then closed it. Mattia was live with the rest of the group. I plopped into my bed going on my phone.

Tia: guys this is y/n one of our friends
Rob: say hi bitch
Ro: oh periodt

The rest were just talking to the live when Kairi came and laid with me. I turned to him seeing him smiling.

You: what?
Kai: nothing you tired
You: yeah kinda
Kai: come here

He opened his arms, I quickly crawled next to him putting my head onto his chest then falling asleep.

Kairi's POV

The group was live and talking or answering question or sum shit like that. I went to y/n cuz she looked like she was tired.

You: what?
Kai: nothing your tired
You: yeah kinda
Kai: come here

I opened my arms for her, she crawled over to me laying down on top of me. I heard small snores like 2 minutes after so I looked down seeing her sleeping, I smiled seeing y/n peaceful.

Tia: someone has a crush
Ale: you guys would be so cute together
Rob: omg frrrr
Ro: bitch I been shipping them bye-
Alv: she changed you
Tay: break her heart and I'll break your face
Vic: bitch I'll kill you!
Kai: can you guys shut up she is sleeping

I rolled my eyes sticking the middle finger at them. I been having feelings for her like who wouldn't but she is going through a lot right now like she's pregnant. Later her parents came in her room while we were on our phones.

Mom: are you guys staying the night
Alv: can we or no
Dad: you guys can just text your parents
All: thank you
Mom: how's she doing?
Dad: she forgot to take her pregnancy pill
Mom: no I gave it to her
Kai: she's just tired
Dad: has she thrown up yet
Rob: we haven't seen throw up
Mom: alright lights guys goodnight
Dad: night guys
All: goodnight

They shut the door and I texted my mom I was staying the night at y/n's.


Mom I'm staying the night at y/n's
Your girlfriend

                                                          I- goodnight love you
Love you to
Read at 11:30

Kai: goodnight fuckers love you
All: goodnight bitch love you to

I laid my head on y/n's head then fell asleep.

A: hello miss gurl

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