Part 25

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I'm finally out of the hospital and yeah. Anyways I heard Mateo crying, I picked him up since he was right next to me. Mateo continued crying and I was getting frustrated. Shit what do I do!

You: Mateo baby please stop please
I whispered begging to Mateo but he kept crying.
You: Mateo please!
He continued crying and crying.

I tried giving him my boob but he wouldn't latch on. No no no no! I'm freaking out. I rushed into my moms room and waking her up.

You: mom!
I yelled shaking her with Mateo in my arms.
Mom: what happened
She rubbed her eyes sitting up more. Then my dad woke up.

You: help me please Mateo won't stop crying and I tried to give him my boob but he won't latch on
My mom looked at my dad, he nodded his head and she rushed me out the room.

Mom: here give me him
I gave him her and I felt this pain in my stomach. I hid it well cuz she didn't ask anything.

You: what's wrong with him
She pushed me down gently and pulled my shirt down.
You: mom what?!
She then put Mateo on my other boob and he latched on quick.

Mom: you need to drink more milk!
She hit my head and walked out going back to sleep.

Thanks Mateo!

Just great!


Love waking up so early😀

5 years later

Hey! Hello! It's still me y/n but guess what it's y/n cosentino😚✌🏽. Yup me and Kairi are married, we have 2 babies and yes Mateo ofc. Let me tell you how old they are ok? Ok so Mateo is 5 years old, Samuel is 3 years old, and Isabella is 1 years old, my lovely babies. Mattia has a girlfriend named Aiyana like yayyy finally some flavor in there, anyways they have a beautiful baby girl name Ashley. Alejandro and Vic are still together surprisingly after Ale kinda cheated with this one girl named Katie but anyways Vic is pregnant with a boy. Robert and Taylor ended up together but can you guess Robert is still a fucking virgin😀. Alvaro is a single dad his stupid baby momma left him alone with there 1 year old daughter but she's very beautiful and her name is Kayla. Roshuan still single but has so many hoes LMAOOOO that's my boy😚💅🏽. Honestly feeling bad for Mateo and Samuel cuz there's mostly girls here😀 but it's ok Vic is pregnant with the boy and I know for a fact they are all gonna be besties.

People tell me I have a perfect life but you know what I worked my ass off to have this life. I went to rehab and still made it out. There's always going to be a downhill but you have to keep fighting to make it up the hill.

Anyways right know we are celebrating Alvaros daughter 1 year birthday!

All: happy birthday day to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to Kayla happy birthday to you!
We all sang and Alvaro helped her blow out the candles. We cheered for her. I always knew Alvaro was gonna be a good dad.

You: ok ok let's cut the cake!
I gave Alvaro the knife and he put it in Kayla's hand but still holding it. They both cut it together and we cheered once again.

S: mommy I want cake!
Samuel said tugging on my shirt.
Alv: here buddy
Alvaro gave him a slice of cake and with that Samuel ran to the table with Mateo.

The day ended pretty fast and we all went to bed. Oh and did I mention we live together? But if I didn't we do😀. Roshuan was having sex with a girl and honestly I think he has a million babies out there without knowing. Kairi was helping me clean the tables when I heard a knock on the door. I went to open it but no one was there until I looked down seeing a baby? I slowly went down picking up the note and taking the baby inside.

Kai: what the hell
He came rushing over putting the baby on the couch.
You: I don't know someone knocked and I went to check but just saw the baby with a note
I shrugged my shoulders at Kairi.

Kai: read it babe!
He chuckled and I looked down at the note.

"Dear Roshuan,
you probably don't remember me which is good but remember that party you and your friends went to? Well yeah we had sex and you got me pregnant, anyways I didn't tell my parents but I didn't wanna abort so yeah. I brought him to you cuz I honestly don't care about the baby at all and I don't want nothing to do with him so do what you want. Name him whatever cuz I don't give a fuck! Have fun with the baby! :)"

Kai: oh shit
He laughed looking at the baby. It was black ofc and it was very similar to Roshuan.
You: stop laughing! Watch the poor baby!
I punched him in the arm and going up the stairs to Roshuans room.

I bursted in the door to see Roshuan going at it and the girl looked over at me covering herself. I already saw his dick one time on accident. That's another story😀 but let me kinda tell you. So basically he was in the bathroom and I didn't know so I went in to do my makeup and BOOM there he was jerking off😭✋🏽.

Ro: hey! Y/n kinda in the middle of sum
He pointed at the girl while putting on his sweatpants.
You: come downstairs and get this girl out
She went out the window. Bitch?

I pulled him by the ear hearing him say "ouch". We finally got downstairs and he just was staring at the poor baby.

Ro: who's baby is that
He pointed at it. Kairi threw the note at him while I just stood there yawning. Later Roshuans eyes grew bigger and bigger.

Ro: this is mine?!
I smacked him in the back of head.
You: no shit bitch!
He rubbed his head picking the baby up and smiling.

Ro: he looks like me!
He turned the baby around looking at every inch of him.
Ro: Imma name him Jayden
He smiled rushing up the stairs into his room.

You: I'm going to give him some baby milk
I told Kairi while he just nodded cleaning more.

I went to the pantry grabbing the baby milk. It was a powder shit so yeah then I went upstairs knocking on Roshuans door.

Ro: come in
He yelled. I went into his room to see the baby sleeping in his bed and Roshuan was buying baby stuff.

You: here dumbass
I gave him the powder baby milk shit.
Ro: thanks but I was hoping this would happen like I really wanted to be a dad
He had a big smile across his face. I smiled back at him and going to hug him.

You: read the instructions in case he starts crying
I let go of the hug and saw that Roshuan nodded.

I went back to my room and saw Kairi was getting changed. I smiled putting on my pjs and going to lay next to him.

Kai: I can't believe Roshuan is a father
He said kinda laughing. I laughed as well.
You: he seems really happy
Kairi nodded his head facing me.

Kai: I love you so much babe
I smiled giving him a kiss on the lips.
You: I love you so much
We then went to sleep.

A: hello

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