Part 28

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I'm pregnant?


But the doctor said that I shouldn't have anymore kids. He told me that I could possibly die if I had another one. I gasped so loud making everyone rush in the room. Kairi took the pregnancy test seeing that it was positive. He ran to me and picked me up with everyone cheering.

You: NO! No....this isn't good!
I yelled at all of them. They all looked confused.
Kai: y/n this is a good thing
I shook my head no while holding my stomach.

You: I could die giving birth to this baby!
Then that's when they all remember what the doctor told me after I gave birth to Isabella.
Kai: fuck! Then we will abort!
Everyone gasped at Kairi.

You: no no no it's against me
Kairi punched the wall so hard. I slid down the wall crying.

Aiy: no shut up! You won't die you hear me! This is your last baby and you'll live through everything cuz we need you y/n! I promise! I'll make sure you live! I'll make sure you get to see your kids grow up and get married and have babies!
She held my hands with tears going down her face.

Tay: she's right y/n! Your the strongest person I know ok! With Mateo you were raped and you still gave birth to a healthy baby under all the fucking stress!
Everyone agreed with her but what if I do die.

I looked at the time.


Shit! The kids get out in 5 minutes. How long were we crying? I stood up fast with everyone looking at me.

You: it's 2:45
I said. They all had wide eyes and me Taylor Vic and Aiyana rushed to the car.

We got in the car and put our sad playlist since what had happened.

You: l-listen t-o me please
I said starting to tear up more. They shook there heads as if they knew what I was gonna say.
Vic: s-shut u-p y-y/n
Vic tried wiping her tears but more fell down her face. I nodded my head and continued driving.

We first went to Isabella and Kayla's preschool class in the school. I knocked on the door getting the teacher's attention. She smiled and went to grab Isabella and Kayla. I'm surprised she could pick them both up.

I: mama!
Isabella yelled putting out her hands for me to get her. I smiled and put her on my side kissing her cheek.
You: hey baby

Tay: come here Kayla
Kayla slowly walked to Taylor and grabbed her hand. I also kissing Kayla on the cheek.

Mateo, Samuel, and Ashley were all in the same class cuz my baby sam he skipped kindergarten so now they are all I first grade together. Me, Aiyana, Vic, and Taylor walked to the first grade place which was across the school. We finally made it to there class and went in.

M&S: mom!
They both ran to me and hugged me tightly. I smiled and hugged them back.
A: hey mommy and tías
We all hugged them.

We all made it back to the house and I made dinner for everyone. I was stressed so I went up to my room closing the door. Kairi came up and sat next to me without saying a word.

I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. Kairi looked up at me as well with tears. I grabbed his hands holding them really tight.

You: k-kai
My voice cracked. He looked down shaking his head.
You: if I-I ever d-die huts n-now I l-love you and t-the k-kids so much o-k
My heart was aching this whole time trying to get the words out. He put his head on my shoulder starting to cry.

Someone knocked on the door and me and Kairi both turned to see Mateo Samuel and Isabella walking towards us hugging us.

You: listen kids
I know they aren't old enough but I needed to warn them.
You: mommy is having another baby
There faces lit up and hugged me tightly.

You: but m-mommy m-might n-ot make i-it o-out
Then there faces went confused but not saying anything.

You: I could-
Kairi cut me off.
Kai: they aren't old enough yet y/n
I sniffed and nodded my head.

You: hey how about this all go get in your pjs and we all have a sleepover
They ran out the room going to there rooms.
Kai: let's just have a good night
I kissed him and smiled.

The kids came running back in and jumped on the bed with us. We put on a movie and just watched it. I heard snores so I looked down seeing each and every one of the people I love the most sleeping. I took a picture on my phone and put it as my home screen and went to bed.

A: you wanna die or no

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