Part 29

563 7 1

9 months later


Let me get you caught up ok? Anyways Mateo is 6 now and his birthday was 4 months ago, Samuel is 4 years old and his birthday was 3 days ago. Isabella my youngest for now is 2 years old and her birthday was a month ago. Vic had her baby boy already, he's so cute but his name is Brandon. Anyways let me catch you up with reality.

I was making dinner for everyone when I felt water rush down my legs. Obviously I already knew what it meant cuz you know 3 kids. Then that's when all the pain came, I started breathing really hard just trying to calm down.

Slowly and holding on to some stuff to keep me up from falling. I walked into the living since everyone was there well except the kids they were playing in Mateo or Isabella room. They all saw me breathing hard and was still confused.

You: oh my god you idiots! My water broke!
There faces changed so quick and the girls rushed over to me while the boys went upstairs to grab the kids and my stuff.

Tay: let's get you in the car
I nodded my head still breathing hard. Woah. This hurts like a bitch.
Vic: Ale get Brandon from the crib
She yelled out and I chuckled.

Aiy: alright ok we can do this
They were trying to get me in the car while I was kinda yelling in pain.
You: that fucking hurts!
I screamed more.

After like 10 minutes they finally put me in the front seat and Kairi and Mattia and Alejandro came running out the house jumping into the car.

Tay: where's Robert Alvaro and Roshuan
Taylor questioned the boys while Kairi was starting the car and squeezing my hand.
Ale: the kids duh
The girls all nodded there head.

Kai: are you ok-
I cut him off by screaming and hitting my head on the seat.
Tia: drive the fucking car Kairi
Mattia yelled and in panic mode in started the car driving fast.

1 hour later

I'm in the hospital about to give birth to my last child. Imma wait to tell the gender😀. Anyways I was yelling my ass off and screaming cuss words while Kairi, Mattia, Alejandro, Vic, Taylor, and Aiyana were trying to calm me down. Alejandro tried to wipe the sweat off my head when I slapped his hand away.

The doctor rushed in the room looking at the monitor for me and my baby.

Doc: baby time!
She cheered and pushed them back except Kairi.

Kai: just squeeze my hand
I was about to take Kairi's hand when the doctor checked my vagina and her smile dropped.

You: what's wrong
She looked up at me trying to fake a smile.
Doc: noth-
I cut her off.

You: no! Tell me what's wrong!
Kairi held my hand trying to fight his tears.
Kai: what's wrong with my wife!
He yelled at her.

Doc: I need to schedule a emergency c-section
My heart dropped and I could see everyone's smile drop.
Kai: wait no no no
He tried to stop them from taking me.
Kairi's POV

They took her away and my hand slipped off of y/n's hand. I tried to stop them but Mattia and Alejandro held me back. I knew this was gonna happen, I fucking knew it! I broke down crying in a empty room with our friends surrounding me.
Vics POV


You: Vic l-listen to m-me
I knew where this was going so I just let y/n talk. We were both crying and alone since the rest of the group took the kids to the park.

You: if I d-die please t-tell k-kairi to m-ove o-n
She cried into my shoulder and tears streamed down my face.
Vic: you aren't gonna die
She lifted up her head wiping the tears falling down her face.

You: Vic s-some-sometimes it's h-hard to f-ace r-reality
Y/n's voice cracked making me cry more.
Vic: b-but I-I c-can't lose you
We just cried over and over again.

*Flashback ended*

Just thinking about that day replayed in my head. I was crying so much it felt like hours then the doctors came back.......

A: hola amigos

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