Part 30

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The nurses all set me up to have a c-section and when the doctor came to put me to sleep I said something.

You: wait wait wait
I put my hand on top of her hand. She immediately stopped and came up to me.
Doc: what's wrong
She questioned.

You: can I have Kairi in here please
She thought about it for a second and nodded.

About 5 minutes later the doctor came in with Kairi. I smiled and he rushed over to me kissing my lips.

Doc: we will be putting her to sleep so please sit down
Kairi nodded and pulled up a chair and sat down.

You: what if I don't wake up
A million things were going through my head but the most important was getting this baby out safely.

Kai: you will I promise ok I love you so much y/n
His voice cracked.
You: I love you to
Then boom everything went black.
Kairi's POV

Her eyes closed slowly. Tears fell out my eyes just looking at her sleeping peacefully. She's gonna wake up I know she will. My baby is strong.

Doc: let's get these babies out safely
My head shot yo confused. Babies? We were having a boy.
Kai: babies? We were supposed to have a boy
I questioned the doctor. Her head shook.

Doc: sir your having twins
Then she went down to look at y/n's vagina. Twins? Me and y/n were prepared for ONE baby. Oh shit.

I was playing with y/n's hair when I heard crying. A smile grew on my face.

Doc: baby number one which is a.....boy!
She handed him to a nurse who started cleaning him. The smile wouldn't leave my face once.

I was looking at my baby boy when I heard cries again. I quickly turned around seeing the doctor carrying my other baby.

Doc: baby number 2 and it's a......girl!
Again gave her to the nurse to clean. I was staring at both of my babies while the doctor was stitching y/n up.

Doc: sir what you going to name them
She smiled at me. I looked at y/n and smiled.

Kai: Isaiah and Gabriella
She nodded her head and continued fixing y/n or wtv they do.
Doc: that doesn't rhyme
The doctor questioned.

Kai: not all twins name have to rhyme
The doctor said "that's true". I couldn't stop smiling. Hold up. God damn we have 5 kids.

The doctor finally finished up doing wtv she was doing to y/n. She sent us to this one room where there was no windows. Apparently it's good for the babies or something. I was sitting on the couch with Isaiah and Gabriella in my arms when the group came through the door smiling.

Vic: oh my god!
Her and Taylor rushed to my side looking at the babies.
Tay: my baby did good
She said softly going to y/n and holding her hand.

Ale: hold up that's twins?! I thought you were having a boy!
Ale said shocked.
Tia: ikr
Mattia said holding Gabriella.

Kai: I guess our other doctor got it wrong but I'm happy
Ale wanted to hold Isaiah so I carefully gave him to Ale. I kissed both of there cheeks before going to y/n and holding her hand.

Vic: I knew she would make it out
Tay: my baby is strong
I kissed y/n's lips and waited for her to wake up.

But she never did........

The end

A: jkjk lmao hope I got you

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