Part 18

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Vic: NO!
Tay: stay back! Back I say!
You: you guys are so dumb

They were play fighting with some fake ass swords. The boys were in my room live so I went back upstairs, Mattia and Alejandro were being fighting on my bed, Robert and Roshuan were on there phone and Alvaro and Kairi were answering question.

You: what you bitches doing now
Ale: y/n he started it
Tia: what the fuck you did
Kai: y/n they are asking how we met can I tell them
You: no the last thing I need is 9 year olds hating on me for being friends with you guys
Alv: they aren't gonna hate
You: bitch pleaseeeeee I seen it all
Rob: omg y/n come see this TikTok

I rushed over to Robert looking down at his phone. It was a girl twerking like a white girl, I busted out laughing.

You: miss gurl breaking her back

I started doing what the girl which was breaking me girl. The boys looked at me laughing when my parents walked in. I stood up fast while they shook there heads in disappointment.

Mom: why did-
Dad: we should have put you up for adoption
You: rude
Kai: oh damn
Tia: ALE STOP TOUCHING MY ASS- oh hey Mrs and Mr y/ln
Mom: what type of friends you have y/n
Dad: I'm so sad

They walked out closing the door,  we all started laughing. I went into the bathroom locking the door behind me going to take a shower. After my shower I put on

I put on my light makeup then went to lay on my bed with everyone

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I put on my light makeup then went to lay on my bed with everyone.

Rob: what we gon do today
Ro: let's go to the movies
Alv: watch a scary ass movie
Tia: I can't today my mom wants me home so
Ale: same
Kai: well that's fine
Tay: I don't know about you guys but me and Vic are taking y/n for a girls day
You: yeah sorry boys but we been planning it
Vic: even before she got pregnant
Boys: ughhh

They all started winning when Mattia and Alejandro had to leave. We gave them a hug then sat down on the table, my mom served us food.

You: how did savanna take it with your other baby momma
Parents: WHAT?!
J: y/n! What the fuck
You: oh shit they didn't know
J: no?!
You: oops
Dad: what happened

Jordan stuck the middle finger up at me making me chuckle. He sat down next to Kairi who was next to me and my parents sat down on the other side of the table. My friend stayed quiet when we were talking.

Mom: what is y/n talking about Jordan
You: Jordan I'm really sorry I thought you told them
J: it's fine
Dad: tell us now Jordan
J: me vas a golpear con el cinturón
(your going to hit me with the belt)
Mom: how bad is it
You: oh my fucking god he cheated on savanna damn it!

Jordan punched me in the arm, that fucking hurt bitch. My mom looked down shaking her head while my dad held in his laugh.

J: Y/N!
You: cállate se iban a enterar de una forma u otra
(shut up they were going to find out one way or another)
Mom: that's it
J: what
Dad: why did it take so long
Mom: I didn't like her anyways
J: mom what?!
You: same mom
J: y/n?!
Dad: ella es una perra
(she is a bitch)
J: oh my god im done

We laughed looking at Jordan walk upstairs. The boys left my house going wherever they were going leaving me and the girls. We all went in the car then drove to the mall. Me Taylor and Vic first got our nails down then continued shopping. After shopping I dropped them off at there houses and went back home.

Dad: y/n there's food
You: papa I already bought McDonald's
Dad: go upstairs I'll cover for you
You: thank you thank you
Dad: go before I change my mind

I nodded and ran upstairs. I threw my bags on the floor and put my food on my bed, I grabbed my tv remote them turned on Netflix putting on All American. I was eating my chicken nuggets when Jordan came in my room.

J: hey bitch
You: sup bitch
J: I want some fries
You: well got buy some
J: let me get some of yours
You: bitch I'm eating for 2 dumbass
J: ughh fine bye
You: bye loser

He walked out closing the door behind him. I finished my food and went to take a shower then put my pjs on. I finally got under my warm covers and went to bed.

A: sorry i been really busy

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