Part 27

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Boring ass fucking day bro. We was just watching tv when I felt sick to my stomach. I ran into the bathroom and threw up. Vic was holding my hair back putting it into a ponytail. Kairi moved her out of the way patting my back. Oh god. What if I'm pregnant? Oh shit. Ain't good.

Kai: another baby
He asked. I could hear his smirk. I pushed Kairi off of me and went to wipe my mouth.
You: shut up
I yelled and I heard laughs.

Tay: me and Vic should go buy a pregnancy test
She smirked grabbing Vics hand and pulling her.
Tia: damn girl another baby
Mattia and everyone started laughing.

Rob: next thing you know they will have 11 kids
I rolled my eyes hitting them all if the back of the head.
You: rob I wouldn't be talking you virgin
He gasped putting his hand over his chest while everyone else laughed.

Did I mention the kids were at school or daycare? Well except Roshuan baby of course. He was sleeping upstairs in his bed.

Alv: cat got your tongue rebound
Alvaro questioned laughing more.
You: oh shut up atleast he has a girl
Alvaros smile dropped to a frown and he rolled his eyes.

Ro: let's get this over with roast me y/n
I laughed evilly.
You: with how much girl you slept with I'm pretty sure you have like a millions babies
He groaned and everyone laughed.

You: and Ale don't you have some bananas to eat
He stuck up his middle finger at me with a frown.
Ale: fuck you
He kinda yelled.

Tia: that's Kairi's job
I rolled my eyes again.
You: oh shut up Mattia Aiyanas the only girl that has flavor
I heard gasp from all around. Aiyana came and put my arm around me.

Aiy: that's true
She nodded her head laughing.

You: last but not least Kairi
He frowned and my smile grew bigger.
You: I could make your smile go down with 2 words
He smiled a little.

Kai: oh really is it olaf's brother
He questioned laughing. I shook my head "no".
You: blue balled
Everyone started laughing while Kairi got hella red and his smile dropped.

Don't know what that means? It means when your close to cumming but then you don't basically and the boys dick starts to hurt like a bitch. Let me tell you a story😀.

One day me and Kairi were getting it in at my house when no one was home. Honestly I don't remember where they went but me and Kairi were doing the nasty and he said "imma about to cum". I was a moaning mess so I didn't hear but all of a sudden I hear a scream and a groan. I looked up quickly and saw that Kairi was holding his dick in pain. I asked what happens and he said that he had blue balled. I started laughing my ass off and he has been embarrassed since. LMAOOOO

It was like 20 minutes later and Vic and Taylor had burst through the door throwing the pregnancy test at me. They forced me into the bathroom and I sat down and pee on it.

It came out



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