Part 22

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I'm hella freaking out bro. His parents think I'm a fucking and IM NOT I was just raped by my ex and yeah that's how I got pregnant.

Kai: you don't have to tell them y/n
He looked over at me grabbing my hands interlocking them with his.
You: no no I'll tell them
I put on a fake smile.

You: I had a ex boyfriend and he was really controlling and abusive and one day he got sick and tired that I wouldn't have the nasty with him so he uh raped me and yeah that's how I got pregnant
I saw there faces full up with guilt and sorrow.

K/M: omg I'm so sorry y/n
She was a sweet women even if she thought differently about my pregnancy. I just smiled at her.

K/D: I'm also really sorry hon
I nodded my head kinda playing with my food.

You: it's ok you didn't know
It got really silent until Maiya, Kairi's little sister said something.

M: you know your really pretty
Kairi chuckled and I smiled.
You: your also very beautiful
She smiled looking at Kairi shaking her head up and down.

Kai: did I say it's really good mom
He took another bite. Everyone agreed with him including him.

K/D: had Kairi met your parents
I closed my mouth before speaking.
You: yes he has and they like him very much even my brother
I still had my hand over my mouth.

K/M: and she had manners Kairi she's a keeper
We all laughed and continued eating the food.

As we were eating I got a call from my mom so I excused myself from the table answering the call.

You: si mama
Mom: Estás bien( are you ok?
You: Claro que soy yo (ofc I am
Mom: ok bueno adios ( ok well bye)
You: bye mama
Mom: te amo(love you)
You: te amo a (love you to)

I put my phone in my back pocket walking back to the table. I pulled out the chair sitting down next to Kairi and Maiya.

K/D: is everything alright
He asked concerned.
You: oh everything is good my mom was just calling to see if I'm ok
I smiled going back to eating.

M: so y/n when is our girls day
I held up my finger grabbing my phone and going into calendar.
Kai: Maiya stop it
He looked at her with a death stare so I put my finger over his mouth.

You: I'm free next week on Tuesday after school
I put my phone down putting my full attention on Maiya.
M: yes!
She squealed making everyone at the table laugh.

We finished eating but we just sat down and continued talking. Kairi and Maiya went into there rooms so I decided to help Kairi's mom with the dishes.

K/D: you didn't have to help me
I shook my hands looking back up at her.
You: no I wanted to it's ok
She gave me a hug and pushing a hair back.

K/M: your the right girl for my son
I smiled really fucking big.
You: thank you so much
She nodded her head and giving me one last hug before sending me away.

I went into Kairi's room seeing him live with his supporters so I just plopped myself into his bed going onto my phone. I heard "guys can you just please stop hating on me and y/n's relationship" when I tell you my smile turned into a frown I quickly faced my head towards him.

You: Kai let them think what they want I mean they aren't in this relationship
I told him wrapping my myself in his arms.
Kai: see guys this is the one for ME
He kinda yelled in the last part making me flinch.

Kai: what's wrong
It's just that Kobe memories came flooding back when he used to hit me scream and shit.

You: I'm sorry it's not you it's just Kobe is still like
I whispered and he kissed my forehead shutting off the live.

Kai: you are still healing and I know that but you should also know that I would never lay my hands on you ok
I nodded my head giving Kairi a hug.

Kai: let's cuddle
I smiled and jumped on him hearing a groan. He wrapped his arms around me giving me a kiss on the lips.

Kai: I love you y/n
You: I love you Kairi

A: be happy for y/n and Kairi's relationship guys🙄🖐🏽

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