Part 19

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It's been a few months I'm showing a little bit but I'm getting ready cuz Kairi said he was going to take me somewhere and he said to dress nice so yeah. I just got out of the shower and put on

 I just got out of the shower and put on

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Oh yuh get I guess. I'm 4 months pregnant now hehehehe, I get looks from time to time because I'm a teen who's pregnant but so what like what your looks gonna do. Anyways I put on some makeup which was mascara and clear lipgloss when I got a text from Kairi.


I'm here
Read at 1:30pm

I smiled running down carefully, I saw my dad and my mom looking at me.

Mom: where are you going
Dad: you look beautiful
You: thank you and with Kairi
Dad: you guys are finally dating
Mom: finally
You: omg no he just told me to dress nice that he's taking me somewhere
Dad: well have fun love you
Mom: bye mi amor love you
You: love you guys

I went outside closing the door then walking to Kairi's car. Me and him hugged then we played music and finally getting to the restaurant. He handed out his hand leading me inside.

W: reservation?
Kai: under Kairi Cosentino
W: follow me

I smiled and so did Kairi then he grabbed my hand following the waiter. He gave us the thingy to look at the walked away.

Kai:. Did I mention you look really beautiful today
You: yes you did like hundreds of times
Kai: well it's true

I went back at looking to see what I wanted when I felt stares, I looked back up seeing lady staring at me and Kairi. She started walking up to us.

L: excuse me
You: yes
Kai: can we help you
L: aren't you a little to young to be having a kid
Kai: that's none of your business
L: maybe if you been a little careful you wouldn't be having a kid
You: we didn't have sex I was raped you stupid bitch!

Everyone faced us looking shocked, the lady was shocked as well just staring at me when I think the manger came up to us.

L: I'm so sorry
M: is there a problem
You: yes there is actually
Kai: this lady came up to us saying if we were to young to have a kid and she kept on bothering us until my girlfriend said she was actually raped!
M: oh my god I'm really sorry
You: it's uh fine
M: miss you need to leave right now and today your guys order will be free ok! It's on me

We nodded while she escorted the lady and her family out of the restaurant. Kairi slid his hand onto mine.

Kai: y/n I'm really sorry we can leave
You: no no it's fine but why did you call me your girlfriend
Kai: oh uh I don't know I'm sorry
You: your good

The waiter came and took our orders then left to get  our food, he brought us the food and drinks. We were eating and talking when Kairi said something.

Kai: y/n can I ask you something
You: what's up
Kai: well I just want to get something off my chest
You: go ahead
Kai: I just wanted to tell you that I liked you for awhile now and just wanted to ask if you wanted to be my girlfriend?

A smile grew on my face like a big one, I looked down trying to hide my smile and me blushing really hard.

Kai: it's ok-
You: I would love to be your girlfriend!
Kai: wait really?!
You: yes!

He kissed my lips, I kissed him back smiling into the kiss. We pulled away smiling really big. We finished eating then left the restaurant going back home.
Kairi's POV

I made it to y/n's home seeing she was asleep in the passenger seat, I smiled at her I could finally call her my girlfriend. I picked her up bridal style then knocked on the door.

Dad: did she say yes
Kai: yeah
Dad: awesome! Well you can stay here if you want
Kai: really
Dad: I mean you did before
Kai: ok thanks

He let me in the house, I saw Jordan's girlfriend then another girl with their mom. They all faced me.

Kai: hey
All: hi?
Kai: she said yes!
Mom: I'm so happy for you guys
J: cheat on her and I'll kill you
S: you cheated on me!
J: we aren't talking about you

I kinda laughed when y/n woke up.

You: I smell chips!

She got down somehow from my arms and rubbing over to Jordan. Y/n snatched the chips from his hands starting to eat it.

You: your my brothers side slut
?: excuse me?!
You: sorry but your really pretty
?: thanks and I see your pregnant
You: yeah I was-
Mom: Kairi take your girlfriend upstairs
Kai: let's go babe
You: here dumbass

Y/n threw the chip bag back at Jordan then running and jumping into my hands. I ran upstairs with her in my arms hearing her laughs. I threw
y/n on the bed then started to tickle her.

You: o-k stop let's g-o to b-bed
Kai: fine just cuz I love you
You: saying I love you already
Kai: yup

She smiled so I kissed her lips once again. I pulled away then cuddled her till she went to bed.

A: sorry i haven't updated

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