Part 12

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" mom I'm back" me and Kairi walked into the house. " family meeting now" my dad yelled out coming where me and Kairi were. " call me later bubs" "I will"

" not to be mean but why is she here" everyone's eyes laid on me. " she's pregnant with Jordan's baby so she's family now" " oh cool" I said smiling at savanna.

" I'm sorry y/n" Jordan said looking at me, he looked like he had hurt in his eyes like he actually meant it. I just nodded cuz I knew I was gonna cry.

" y/n" my mom said, I looked up as my eyes started to water. " I forgive you Jordan" tears streaming down my face. He came up to me and hugged me tight, I let out all my cries that I was holding in. My mom and dad came and hugged to.

" can you put the ring back on" Jordan held out the ring, I smiled cuz the ring was important. " I guess I'll put it on" I grabbed the ring from Jordan and slid it on. " don't ever fucking do that again" " I won't" I smiled and gave him another hug.

" your friends are here" Jordan called out. Then everyone came into my room. " you gonna hang with us" I asked Jordan but the savanna came into my room. " we are buying clothes for the baby" Jordan came to give me a hug.

" you and Jordan good now" Vic asked me. I nodded my head. " let's watch some movies" Mattia said.

" you think this would look good on me" I said questioning Vic and Taylor. " bitch yes go try it on" Vic said while pushing me into the changing room.

Y/n.Y/ln just posted a new picture!

Y/ln just posted a new picture!

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Y/n.Y/ln: mall vibes
Liked by viccmarquess and 231k others

viccmarquess: no wonder why you taking so long
🔄Y/n.Y/ln: shhh

kairicosentino: pretty ig

roshuandiah: my pretty best friend

Y/n.stan: bro how is she so beautiful

Y/ my parents had one job

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"I'mma buy it" I said walking to the cashier. " that would be $10.50" I nodded and put my card in the thingy. " is it possible if I could get your Instagram" he said winking at me. " yeah it's Y/n.Y/ln" I said grabbing my clothes, I waved and walked with Vic and Taylor to the boys.

" y/n's got a boyfriend" Taylor and Vic said in a singing voice. " shut up I just gave him my Insta" I said rolling my eyes.

" ayy my best friend gon get a man" Alvaro said pushing my a little, the whole group laughed expect Kairi.

" hey are you ok" I said walking slowly. " yeah I'm fine" Kairi said looking at me with a smile. He put his arm around me then we continued walking.

" oh shit you have a boyfriend" the guy said. " oh no he's my best friend" I said looking at the guy. " so I have a chance with you" he said smirking and putting his arms around me. " I don't know maybe" he then smashed his lips on mine and I don't know why but I kissed back.

" ayy get it y/n" I heard the groups voice. " I'll see you soon" he smirked and walked away. I felt myself blushing so hard.

" I'm happy for you" Kairi said at my house. " thanks Kai" everyone looked at me, I smiled at my phone texting him back. " what you smiling at" Alejandro said. " oh just the guy I met at the mall" Kairi stood up and walked out, Mattia and Alejandro followed him. I was so confused.
Kairi's POV

" what's wrong" Alejandro said making me face them. " I love her bro and this other guy is taking her from me" I said looking down. " Kairi man I'm sorry but you can't ruin this for her" Mattia put his arms on my shoulder, I looked down and nodded.

" just tell her my mom told me to come home" I said walking out of the house. Why just why, I love y/n with my whole heart and this other guy who doesn't even know her comes. FUCK!

I walked inside my house, I saw my family sitting down on the couch.

" what's wrong Kari" my mom said concerned. " nothing mom I'm just gonna go to my room" I said looking down.

I pulled out my vape and smoked it. I should tell y/n how I feel maybe she feels the same way. NO! I can't ruin this for her. Y/n seems happy so I'm going to let her be happy and when he breaks her heart I'll be there to help her.........

A: what guy you wanna date for now

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