Part 16

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*Ring Ring*

I rolled my eyes hitting my fucking alarm. That bitch is annoying. Anyways Jordan left my room so I could get ready for school. The group gave me the weekend off which was nice. I went to my bathroom to throw up again, morning symptoms. I took a shower and put (I just realized I didn't put this Font so just pretend)

Mom: are you ready mijaYou: si mama but I'm going to ride my skateboard Mom: are you sureYou: I'm sureMom: ok eat your breakfast and take your pregnancy vitaminsYou: thank you mama

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Mom: are you ready mija
You: si mama but I'm going to ride my skateboard
Mom: are you sure
You: I'm sure
Mom: ok eat your breakfast and take your pregnancy vitamins
You: thank you mama

I said morning to my dad before he went to work. I sat at the table and ate my food then took my vitamins.

Mom: love you to
J: love you sis

I gave my mom a kiss on the cheek then grabbed my skateboard and started riding it to school. I saw the group and smiled at them, they rushed over to me.

Vic: bitch are you ok
Tay: we gave you the space but now we need to know
C: do we need to beat the bitch up
Tia: what's wrong
Ale: you good now
Rob: he in jail yet
Ro: ughhh bitch I missed you
Alv: my baby you back!
Kai: I'm sorry about everything that happened to you

I smiled and gave them a hug. I picked up my skateboard.

You: I'll tell you guys everything after school and tia can I?
Tia: oh yeah here

He handed me his keys and I put my skateboard in his car. The bell rang so we went to our classes. I saw Madison and she ran over to me picking me up and hugging me.

Mad: I heard what happened are you good
You: yeah I'm fine I'm just gonna tell the rest after school at my house
Mad: oh I don't think I should come
You: nah come my mom has to get it over it at some point
Mad: ok I'll ride my skateboard with you then
You: good now go to class before your late

She ran off to her class leaving me with Alvaro Roshuan and Kairi. I sat in my regular spot. My stomach was hurting but that was normal for a pregnancy.

T: today class we are learning about Martin Luther King Jr
Class: *groans*
T: so who can tell me about him
T: fine y/n can you

I looked up from head being down. I rolled my eyes and nodded. She always wanted us to stand up if answering a question so I stood up.

You: Martin Luther King Jr. was an American Baptist minister and activist who became the most visible spokesperson and leader in the Civil Rights Movement from 1955 until his assassination in 1968. King is best known for advancing civil rights through nonviolence and civil disobedience, inspired by his Christian beliefs and the nonviolent activism of Mahatma Gandhi. He was the son of early civil rights activist Martin Luther King
T: oh wow you really know about him
You: yes I do

I rolled my eyes and sat back down. The boys looked at with faces and I just laughed it off.

Alv: how the fuck
Ro: bitch you know more than me
Kai: smart ass bitch
You: shut up!


You: ok ready to go to my house
Mad: I guess
You: I'll just text the group to meet me at my house
Mad: where's your skateboard
You: Mattia's car but I left it unlocked

Madison nodded her head. I went to his car and grabbed my skateboard. I texted the gc to meet me at my house.

You: ok I'm ready
Mad: let's go then

I gave her an AirPod and I put on my playlist. Recházame from Prince Royce came on and me and Madison just started singing our asses off.

You: ay recházame es que no puedo aceptar tu amor
ay olvídame aunque nos duela hay que aceptar ese dolor es que yo tengo mi mujer y tú tienes tu novio
Mad: periodt bitch sing!!

We laughed and we finally got to my house. We were saying some weird shit and I opened the door with me and Madison were laughing hard.

Mom: Madison?
Mad: hi tía
Dad: what are you doing here
You: dad chill out alright she's my cousin and she deserves to be here!
Mom: she's the one who got you into drugs
You: nahh she didn't it was me who got her into drugs I just never said shit ok damn!

I pulled her arm up to my room. I closed the door and locked it. She sat on my bed looking down, I went up to her and gave her a hug.

Mad: maybe I should just go
You: no you staying I don't care what my parents say
Mad: they think I started you on drugs!
You: but you didn't and I fucking told them!
Mad: I don't want to fight!
You: ok ok

We sat in silence and looked at eachother and started laughing. We have such a close blond dude like you always have that one cousin.

Tia: what's up with your parents
Mad: they don't like me
Vic: what the fuck
Tay: why not
You: they think that she got me into drugs
Rob: bullshit
Ro: damn that sucks
Alv: frrr
Ale: anyways what's up with you
Kai: what happened
You: oh yeah......
Mad: you guys might wanna sit down for this one

They all sat down on the floor or my bed worried. I got really fucking nervous. What if they leave me? What if they don't want to be friends with me cuz I'm pregnant? Do I want to tell them? What's gonna happen? Oh my fucking god!

You: so basically at the police station I didn't feel comfortable with a guy looking at my pictures because of what happened
Kai: wait hold up you took pictures naked for Kobe?!
You: no no no I took pictures after I was-

Then tears started coming down. Madison was rubbing my back. Taylor and Vic came up to hug me then they sat next to me.

You: ok I took pictures after I was r-raped so they needed proof and I didn't feel comfortable so I asked for a girl cop. She came in and was Mexican which was better for me,  she told me I needed a rape kit. My dad and me went to the hospital where the lady ordered the rape kit and I went in with the nurse then she started doing everything. My dad had to leave the room when she was doing the stuff. Later she asked me um to take a uh....fuck bro
Tia: listen y/n what every happened we have your back no matter what it is!
All: yeah!

I nodded my head and looked back down. Madison whispered into my ear saying "I could tell them" I shook my head no and she continued rubbing my back.

You: I'm pregnant.............

A: oop lol

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