Part 21

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My alarm went off waking us all up, I slowly got out of my bed holding my stomach wow this whole baby thing is hard. I went into the bathroom and took a shower. I put on a regular white shirt with some ripped jeans and my Air Force 1s. Vic and Taylor got ready as well.

Dad: you guys ready to go
My dad asked opening the door.
You: yeah but where's mom
I questioned grabbing my phone of from the charger.

Dad: she went on a business trip for 3 days
I nodded my head and went into the car.

Vic: omg I'm so excited
Vic was about to shit her pants and you could tell.
Tay: I'm team boy
Taylor and Vic went back and forth about it being a girl or boy.

I had this feeling it was going to be a girl but you never know. Anyways my dad parked by the hospital place for the baby. Taylor helped me out the car while Vic was jumping up and down so happily. I rolled my eyes laughing then we walked into the hospital.

N: how can I help you guys today!
The lady asked looking up from her computer.
You: my name is y/n y/ln and I'm here to find out the gender of my baby
I smiled, she typed my name into the computer then grabbed some stuff.

N: ok so follow me please
We all followed her into the room.
N: please sit on the bed and the doctor will see you in a few minutes
I nodded my head sitting in the little bed, Vic and Taylor sat on the chairs.

Tay: bitch you ok
Taylor looked at Vic who was hella red.
Vic: bro I'm ok just maybe a little to excited
I kinda chuckled, Vic was on her phone to calm her down.

You: watch when you get pregnant Vic
She gasped then smiled, me and Taylor started laughing when the doctor came into the room.

Doc: hello you must be y/n!
She said coming to shake my hand.
You: yup that's me
I smiled back at her.

Doc: oh and who are you guys
She referred back to Vic and Taylor.
Vic: I'm Victoria
Tay: and I'm Taylor
The doctor nodded and brought out this thing.

She put on a code slimy gel on my stomach,  I sat up a little bit looking away from the tiny tv screen. Vic and Taylor had a wide smile across there face seeing the gender.

Doc: so here's the envelope for everyone else
She handed the white folded paper to Taylor and Taylor then put it in her purse.

You: thank you I'll see you in 3 weeks
Me and her shook hands then I went to the front office.

L: have a good day!
I told her the same waking out.

We got in the car. Vic drive to Kairi's house dropping me off cuz I was supposed to have dinner with his family.

You: I love you guys bye
I smiled closing the door.

Both: I love you to
I watched them drive away.

Hear comes my I look good? Should I change? Maybe I should just go home then come back.

Y/n you look fine!


But what if Kairi thinks differently?

If he does then he's a bitch!

But I want to look good for my boyfriends family...

You look beautiful!


I knocked on the door waiting for someone to open it but no one did. I frowned then turned seeing the car wasn't there.

I'm an idiot!

What happened?

No one is home

Well just wait stupid

I hate you

I sat on the bench outside Kairi's house waiting, I was on my phone scrolling through insta when I heard a car stop. I looked up seeing the car there.

Voice inside my head!


They are here what do I do

Um smile

Right right ok bye


I put a smile on my face seeing Kairi hope out the car coming over to hug me then kiss me. I was greeted by the rest of his family.

K/M: I heard your pregnant
My smile faded away coming in with my frown
You: yes I am
Kairi put his hand on my thigh

Kai: it's not what you think
He said giving a face to his parents
K/D: then what is it
He questioned putting his fork down and his hands link together.

Just great.

His parents think I'm a hoe and a slut.

A: um

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