Part 8

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Tío: mija wake up
You: huh oh good morning tío
Tío: morning mija
You: school?
Tío: yup I'll be waiting
You: shit what time is it
Tío: it's 5:30
You: what?! School starts at 8:00
L: it's the time he wakes up
You: ugh fine and morning Laura
L: morning y/n
You: I'm going to take a shower
Tío: ok there's breakfast downstairs
I just nodded and the both walked out of my room. I walked into the bathroom to take a shower.....I hope today goes well. Oh fuck! I told Kairi I liked him...damn it man. Wtv I put on

M: bitch you look goodI turned around to see my cousin Madison

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M: bitch you look good
I turned around to see my cousin Madison. OMG I haven't seen her in forever I mean I seen her around school but my mom and dad never wanted me to talk to her but I didn't know why.
You: omg I haven't talked to you in a minute
M: your parents
You: I mean yeah
M: it doesn't matter why are you here now
I told her everything while I was putting on some of my makeup and doing my hair.
M: damn I'm sorry
You: it's all good
L: girls! Time for school
Both: coming
We walked out and headed downstairs laughing. Me and Madison ate then we headed into the car.
Tío: we are here girls
You: bye tío love you
M: bye dad love you
Tío: bye girls love you both to
We grabbed our backpacks while he went to park in the "staff only" or wtv that shit is. Anyways I saw my group and pulled Madison and we went to them
You: hey guys!
All: hey y/n!
I gave them all a hug and I guess they saw Madison cuz they all stared
You: oh! Right this is my cousin Madison and Madison these are my friends
M: hey
All: hey
You: introduce yourselves you idiots
Tia: right I'm Mattia
Ale: I'm Alejandro
Alv: I'm Alvaro
Rob: I'm Robert
Ro: I'm Roshuan
Tay: I'm Taylor
Vic: and I'm Vic
M: thank you guys so much for making y/n happy
All: your welcome
Ale: did you go to rehab to
M: oh no I mean me and y/n smoked when I would go visit but I would control myself
Rob: oh
You: it doesn't matter anyways
Alv: hey why weren't you at your house when we went to check up on you and you weren't there
Ro: yeah we were worried
Tay: are you ok
Vic: Jordan looked like he was crying
I told them everyone and after they hugged me so tight. I was happy with them but then Kairi fucking came over with Emily.
E: awe look who it is little y/n
M: hey you stupid bitch back off
E: oh and who are you
M: I'm y/n's cousin who are you oh I might know a fucking slut right
E: bitch-
I pulled Madison behind me and I stepped in front of her.
You: Emily what do you want know
Kai: y/n can we talk
M: are you the Kairi boy
Kai: yeah why
M: I fucking hate you
Kai: why dude
M: cuz what-
Mattia covered her mouth then yelled at Emily to go away.
E: what the fuck no
Kai: Emily just go
Emily rolled her eyes and walked away.
Kai: now can you tell me why you hate me
M: did you know y/n was crying because of you I might have not have been there cuz I wasn't there when she was crying but she was. She felt like her family hated her and she wasn't worth anything. Did you know she almost ruined she one year sobriety but my dad saved her I bet you didn't huh?
Kai: y/n-
You: Kairi just please leave me alone I can't deal with this today
Kai: y/n-
Alv: Kairi just fucking go man
Kai: fine
Kairi walked away and was trying so hard to hold my tears back. Luckily the bell saved me I walked with Mattia and Alvaro.
T: please take your seats and turn to page 26
Mattia Alvaro and I did as she said but Kairi came and sat with us.
Tia: what are you doing here
Kai: this is my seat
Alv: wasn't your seat for the past 3 months right
Kai: guys listen I'm sorry but I didn't have a choice
You: don't you even give us that crap you did you could have chosen to leave Emily and come with us but you didn't you chose Emily that was your choice
Kai: did you mean what you said
You: no I didn't I don't like you Kairi I just said that cuz maybe you would have choose your best friends
Kai: oh....I guess I'll just leave
Kairi got up and walked over to Emily but obviously I did mean it I mean I loved him. A tear went down my face and I wiped it quickly.
Alv: it's ok y/n
Tia: yeah you don't need him
You: thanks boys


You: my bitches
All: hey whore
We all was talking and laughing when I felt someone pull my hair off my seat. I got up fast and saw Emily.
You: you stupid bitch
I threw a punch at her and she fell on the floor. I jumped on top of her and kept punching her until I felt someone pull me off. I looked around to see people recording.
Tío: y/n and Emily my office now!
Kairi put me down and I pushed him farther away.
You: don't ever touch me!
Kai: y/n I'm sorry please
I rolled my eyes and walked with Emily to his office. I followed him inside the office and sat down then Emily sat in her spot.
Tío: what happened
E: I just came to sit with them cuz they were my friends and she started to punch me
Tío: y/n
You: I don't even give a fuck anymore but let me tell you the true story I was just sitting with my friends and this stupid bitch came over and pulled my hair so I punched her in the face and I beat the shit outta her I mean look at her face so basically she started the fucking fight and you know I never fucking lie!
Tío: you guys are both suspended for the rest of the week and I'm going to check through the cameras so stay here both of you
My tío looked through the cameras and saw Emily was the one who started the fight.
Tío: Emily your suspended for 2 weeks since you lied to me
E: but-
Tío: no buts now get out of school and get out of my face both of you!
I got my backpack and walked out to see everyone there just great.
M: what happened
You: I'm suspended for the rest of the week
E: and I'm suspended for 2 weeks
Tia: no one was asking you
Rob: frr just go
E: kai come on
Kai: no Emily
E: kai?
Kai: stop calling me Kai it's Kairi to you and we are over I'm sick and tired of you already
She ran off crying while the group stood in shock.
Ro: why did you break up with her
Kai: I want to get my best friends back
Alv: Kairi
Kai: Ik it isn't going to be easy to gain your trust back but please I missed you guys
All: y/n?
You: I guess but Kairi it's gonna be hard to gain MY trust maybe not theirs but you broke my heart the most so yeah you can-
M: y/n come on let's go
Ugh why am I so emotional. I wiped my tear and let Madison go.
L: y/n come on hunny
You: Madison stay here ok
I started to cry more uhhh what the fuck. I wiped my tears again.
Kai: y/n-
I quickly gave everyone a hug then ran to Laura.
L: y/n what's wrong
You: n-nothing let's just go
I got in the car. The car ride was silent but we made it back to the tíos house.
L: I have to go back to work are you ok to stay by yourself
You: yeah I am
She gave me a smile and I smiled back. I went inside and straight into my room. I dropped everything and fell to the floor crying. Why am I crying? Ugh I just want to die! I felt like I was crying for hours until somebody came in and wrapped there arms around me. I looked up to see that it was Kairi and the whole group was there. He pulled me onto my bed and held me tighter.
M: y/n what's going on with you, you were so happy before coming to Jersey-
Everything went silent.
You: I'm s-sorry
M: it doesn't matter I'm going to my friends house anyways
You: wait mads-
She shut the door and I sat up on my bed.
You: damn it!
Ale: y/n you need to talk to us
Rob: tell us what's wrong
You: I just wanna die! Everyone would be happy if I died you guys would go back to normal!
Kai: NO!
We all turned to Kairi. He was just sitting there looking at me.
Kai: you will not die do you understand me....your just going through a dark path everyone does ok but you will not die no would be happy everyone would be sad and in pain
Tia: he's right y/n
Alv: we love you so much
Ro: we would miss you so much
Rob: your pain that your in right now you would just pass is on to us and everyone that loves you
Ale: we have your back y/n you just need to talk to us ok
Kai:  I promise I will never leave you guys again
I was happy again but Ik I'm going to cry again and again at some point but I was happy and laughing with my best friends again. Vic and Taylor tried to come but their parents wouldn't let them. It was now 8:00 and Laura called us down for dinner, we ate dinner then went back upstairs and we all fell asleep.

A: heh I hope you are liking this story.....

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