Part 14

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No ones POV
The 16 year old girl heard yelling and screaming.
She ran to a hoodie and sweatpants then ran downstairs to see her friends and her abusive boyfriend fighting.

"YOU NEED TO LEAVE NOW KOBE" Jordan yelled at her boyfriend, Kobe saw y/n and started charging at her. The y/n was blocked by Mattia. He stepped in front of her and protected her.

"Move now Mattia" Kobe said trying to push Mattia away.
"Kobe I ain't playing leave" Kobe rolled his eyes and walked out the door.

Y/n just stood there in shock still having bruises everywhere. Jordan took y/n to the bathroom and lifted her shirt seeing the bruises everywhere.
Jordan lifted my shirt and saw everything. He looked at me in shock, tears started going down as I saw him concerned. He pulled me into a hug.

"Why didn't you tell me sis" I cried into his shoulder while he was rubbing my back.
"I was scared and nervous" he touched one of my big bruises on my back making me wince in pain.

He turned me around and saw the biggest bruise I had.
"He did this y/n" my brother was pissed, his face was red and I could tell his blood was boiling I mean like who's brother wouldn't.

"I'm going to fucking kill him" he charged out of the room rushing out the front door making me run after him. The whole group was confused but came to.
"Jordan stop" I tried pulling off but I failed he was to strong.
"Jordan come on bro" Mattia said grabbing Jordan's arm with the help of Roshuan. Kairi rushed over to me and hugged me.

"I'm going to kill you" Jordan punched Kobe over and over again. Roshuan and Mattia finally got him off.

"We need to leave now" Vic said whispering but yelling. The boys nodded and Kairi helped me into the car.
"Oh my god! Jordan what happened to you and y/n" my mom said rushing over to us giving us a hug.
"What did you guys do" my dad said questioning.

"I think it's better if we leave" Robert said with the group agreeing. They gave us a hug then walked out.

"Oh my god Jordan?!" Savanna said rushing over to Jordan hugging him tightly.
"Leaving room now!" My mom said yelling.

"What the bell happened to you guys" my dad said sitting next to my mom, Savanna sat in between my and Jordan making me roll my eyes.
"Savanna can you like go to Jordan's room this is a family talk"

"I am family" she said staring at me with her beady eyes.
"You just Jordan's baby mama doesn't mean your his wife" she scoffed looking at Jordan.
"Just go upstairs please" Jordan said, she rolled her eyes and walked upstairs.

"Now continue!" My mom said yelling at us with anger in her eyes.
"Mom he was fucking hurting her" Jordan said putting his arm around me.

"Who was" my dad questioned looking at me straight in the eyes.

"Kobe he was fucking abusing her and he raped her and I just snapped them started beating him up" my mom and dad looked at me horrified making me start crying.

"He was WHAT?!" My dad yelled at the top of his lungs.
"Oh my god my baby I'm so sorry" my mom went on her knees and hugged me while I was crying.

"Y/n you need to file a report now!" My dad stood up staring at me. I nodded my head crying.
"Not today your dad will take you tomorrow" I cried into my moms arms, me dad then went down and grabbed my head laying it on his shoulder.

"How long was this going on" Jordan looked at me with sadness.
"A week after we started dating" my voice cracked making my family feel bad more, I looked down at my mom to see her crying.

We just stayed there for a long time hugging when Savanna came down.

"Babe can we go buy clothes for the baby" I looked at her in disgust.
"Not right now no" he said making me smile, she rolled her eyes then went back upstairs.

"Y/n how about you go upstairs and I'll bring you Chick-fil-A" my dad said knowing it was my favorite place to eat out. I nodded then walked up the stairs into my room.

Later my dad came in with a bunch of stuff. It was a basket filled with my favorite chips, candies, and drinks. Then I saw a bag of Chick-fil-A with my mom holding it, I smiled at them and they set it down.

"We love you so much ok" my mom said rubbing my back and my dad laying my head on his shoulder.

"I love you guys to" they smiled and kissed me on the cheek and walked out. I watched All American and eating my Chick-fil-A. They wanted to be with me but I just wanted to be alone.

I got a ft call from Taylor and I answered it.

FaceTime Call:

You: hey guys
Tay: how you doing
Vic: are you ok do you want us to come
You: I'm doing good and I just want to be alone today
Vic: as you noticed the boys aren't here with us
You: I could see what you guys doing
Tay: we just are watching Netflix wishing you were here
You: awe I love you guys but tomorrow we will hangout after I file a report against Kobe
Vic: who's going with you
You: my family
Tay: we should go to the mall and just get our nails down and shit
Vic: oh yeahhhh
You: yeah let's do it bitches
Tay: well we just wanted to check on you
Vic: yeah
You: thank you guys I love you
Vic: I love you to
Tay: I love you more
You: bye babes
Tay: bye baby
Vic: bye my love
*I hung up*

I smiled at myself and went to take a shower when I got a call from Kairi.

FaceTime Call:

Kai: hey y/n
Tia: hey lil sis
Ale: how you doing
Ro: bitch move
Alv: you guys always talk to her let me talk to her
Rob: shut yo asses up
*I laughed out loud*
You: I'm doing good, I just got off the phone wit Vic and Tay
Rob: that's good
Alv: what you going to do
Ro: what did your dad say
Ale: I hope your better
Tia: yeah bro
Kai: shut up and let her talk
You: I'm going to file a report tomorrow with my family and hangout with Vic and Taylor to
Kai: ooo can we come
Tia: oh my god! We can get our toenails done
Ale: for you y/n
Rob: periodt bitches
Ro: I'm going to be pretty
Alv: bitch I'm already pretty
Alv: oh fuck you guys
*i laughed so hard*
You: well I'm going to take a shower bye boys I love you
Boys: I love you more
*I hung up*

I smiled again, I love having friends that care for me. Anyways I went in the shower and just scrubbed my body until I felt no disgust in it no more. I went to lay down on my bed and I heard Jordan come in tho but I wanted to pretend I was sleeping.

J: I'm s-o s-sorry sis
J: I love you so much

He kissed me on the forehead and walked out. A tear fell down and I wiped it before I started crying more. Then my parents came in a kissed my forehead. I finally fell asleep.

A: heh

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