Part 23

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6 months later


So I decided to not have a baby shower cuz I wanted to wait to see what the gender was. Anyways right know we are all at my house just watching some movies.

You: I need to go to the bathroom
I told them standing up slowly walking to the bathroom.

After I did my business my stomach started hurting and that's when liquid poured out. I was in so much pain and I started screaming. Everyone rushed into the bathroom seeing me on the floor sitting in a puddle of water screaming holding my stomach.

They were panicking so much that my mom and dad had to come and rush me into the car. My parents told the rest that they had to drive in different cars but Kairi was with me holding my hand. Jordan and his girl was already at the hospital because they just had a baby.

You: it's hurts!
I was screaming more. My mom and Kairi was trying to calm me down.

Kai: just squeeze my hand
I listen and started squeezing his hand, I could tell he was in pain but he told me that he was fine.

We finally made it to the hospital and my dad carried me in since I was yelling the doctors rushed to me. They put me in this room and they gave me some medication.

All: you got this y/n
My group was cheering for me while I was pushing.

Doc: one more push
I looked at Kairi and he squeezed my hand basically telling me to squeeze his.

I pushed one more time screaming my ass off when I heard a cry. I laid my head down on Kairi's shoulder smiling hearing my babies cries.

Doc: it's a boy
Everyone cheered, I smiled so big.

They gave me him, he was wrapped in a blanket. His eyes were closed and everything and all I could do was smile. He was beautiful.

You: everyone meet Mateo Y/ln Cosentino
They clapped and cheered quietly.

Yes I know Mateo isn't Kairi's son but he was there for me through everything so I decided to put Kairi's last name.

3 hours later

I had just finished breastfeeding Mateo so I put him in the hospital crib. It was a good 3 hours cuz everyone got to hold him but they had to leave. My mom and dad and Kairi were the only ones there with me.

J: he looks just like you y/n
Jordan was staring at him and protecting him, it was really fun to me cuz Jordan isn't like this with his own kid.

You: how's Chris
I asked Jordan, he turned over to look at me.
J: doesn't even look like me at all
My smile went down to a frown. Not good.

Dad: what a white ass name
We all started laughing so hard.
Mom: y/dn!
We were laughing for a good 5 minuets.

Jordan had to go back with savanna and his "baby". I told my mom and dad to go home cuz they look hella tired so now it's just me Kairi and little Mateo. Did I mention that Kairi's family also came to visit? Anyways I was really tired cuz you know pushing a baby out your vagina is kinda tiring.

Kai: let's go to bed
I nodded my head scooting over so he could lay done next to me.

Kairi wrapped his arms around me and we went to sleep.

A: never gave birth so didn't know how to write this

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