Part 11

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I woke up in Kairi's arms. I smiled to myself knowing I had some much feelings for him. I didn't just like him anymore I love him so much. My mom came to my room.

Mom: good morning baby
You: good morning mami
Mom: I'm so sorry how the way Jordan acted yesterday
You: it's ok I was just hurt
Mom: me and your father will talk to him
You: ok mom
Mom: I hope you and Kairi date
You: mom!
Mom: breakfast is downstairs
You: thank you

She nodded and walked out. I waited for Kairi to wake up then I felt him move a little.

You: morning sleepyhead
Kai: morning bubs
You: let's go
Kai: where
You: eat breakfast downstairs
Kai: yeah I'm hungry asf
You: let's go then

I stood up and grabbed his hand. We walked downstairs when I saw Jordan and the girl again damn is she living here. She came up to me.

S: I wanted to fully introduce myself
You: oh ok
S: my name is Savanna
You: I'm y/n if you didn't know
S: you must be her boyfriend
Kai: oh no I'm her best friend
S: oh sorry
You: nah it's fine
Kai: morning Mr and Mrs y/ln
Dad: morning Kairi
Mom: good morning Kairi

I sat down and Kairi sat by me. We were just eating like a family or sum shit like that when Jordan broke the silence.

J: y/n I'm really sorry
You: thank you but I don't accept your apology
J: what?! I'm literally your brother
You: and you hurt me
J: for not saying sorry yesterday
You: no no when I was going through my hard times but  you pushed me out of your room cuz you were with your girlfriend! I wanted to smoke all over again and it's not just your fault but everyday at tíos house I cried every single night and you didn't even check up on me! That's why I don't accept your fucking apology! I was there for you through everything when you had your first heartbreak, when you needed someone to talk to but when it's me it's a whole different story! I was to blinded to think that you were there for me but when I think back you never fucking were Jordan!
Kai: uh we should go to my house
J: y/n-
You: don't talk to me!
Kai: let's go y/n!

Kairi grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my house. We were still in our pjs but he didn't care. He took me to his house and when we walked in his whole family was there eating breakfast.

You: oh shit....
Kai: it's ok they will love you
K/m: Kairi where have you been!
K/d: you just walked out and never came back!
M: your back?
Kai: shut up Maiya and I'm sorry mom and dad but my friend y/n she needed my help
You: I'm sorry it's my fault I was going through something that's why he didn't come home....
K/m: oh well that's ok just tell us next time Kairi
K/d: do you want to eat
You: oh no thank you we ate at my house
K/m: are you ok bunny it looks like you have been crying
You: family problems
K/d: I'm sorry you guys can go to Kairi's room
M: use protection
Kai: shut up Maiya!

I giggled a little then Kairi took me up to his room. He laid down on his bed and opened his arms. I smiled and laid on top of him, we cuddled for a long time.

You: thanks for always being there for me
Kai: don't thank me
You: can we watch a movie
Kai: yeah you want to spend the night
You: yeah let me call my mom

Mom: hello
You: mom I'm going to spend the night at Kairi's
Mom: oh ok be safe love you
You: love you to bye

I hung up.

You: she said yes
Kai: yay!

I laughed. Hours later we went down to eat dinner and I got to know more about Kairi's family and everything. I really enjoyed being with him. Me and Kairi's watch a ton of movies then we went to sleep.

A: this one was short but I wanted to post one for you guys

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