You Were A Bet (Luke)

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You Were A Bet (Luke) His P.O.V
1 year ago....

I was hanging out the boys and we were just talking about random stuff. "Hey Luke, I got a bet for you." Michael said to me.

He always want to challenge me on something and it always involves with money.

"All right...what's the bet?" "You know the girl, y/n? Ok, well she has this MASSIVE crush on you.

And I bet you to go out with her. I've talk to some of her ex's and they said she was the worse."

He explained to me and I nod my head. "You're on Clifford! How long to I have to date her?" I asked while shaking his hand. "For a year! And if you actually do it for a year...then I'll give you $150." I just chuckled. "All right. But if you don't do it for a whole year then you owe ME $150." "Ok Mikey."

It's been exactly one year so today is mine and y/n's one year anniversary is today. I've fallen so hard for her.

I wasn't supposed to but I did.
Y/n's P.O.V

I was getting ready because me and Luke are going to dinner for our one year anniversary.

I walked down the stairs to get my shoes. As I did I seen Luke forgot his phone.

I picked it up to bring it to him and his phone went off, it was a text from Michael.
Ok! You win! You have $150 coming your way! How was it with y/n?

My eyes widen when I read that text. I thought Michael was my friend, but I was wrong.

I stomped up the stairs and into our bedroom. "Hey babe. You look bea-is that my phone?" Luke pointed at his phone.

"Yea! Michael text! He wanted to know how it was being with me and you got the $150!" I snapped as I threw his phone on the bed.

"Babe-" "Don't call me that! I was just a bet to you! After all this time I thought you had feelings for me like I did for you!

But no! I was just a bet!" Tears started to form in my eyes. I started to walk and tried to go out the door but Luke grabbed my wrist. "Babe don't go please! I love you! Yes, You were a bet...but I fell in love with you. Please stay!" He begged but I didn't want to give in.

"If you really did love me...why didn't you call off the bet?" I asked and the tears were already streaming down my cheeks. Luke didn't answer me he just looked down at his feet.

"Goodbye Luke." I said as I walked out of the bedroom. I stormed down the stairs and out the door ignoring his call.

I honestly didn't know where I was going. I'm really upset at the boys, I have NO family here, and I have no money.

I just walked to the park and I laid down the bench. I curled up in a ball and soon fell asleep.
3 weeks later

I've been sleeping in the park. I was homeless. My makeup was smeared, my hair was a wreck.

Luke has been calling me and so we're the boys. But I ignored all of them. I was doing my usual routine. Just walking around in the fields.

As I was walking I seen 4 boys. I squinted my eyes to get a better look. It was the boys.

I kept my head down to avoid them. When I was right next to them I felt a hand grab my arm.

"Y-Y/n? Is that you?" I looked up to see Luke. His eyes were red and puffy, his face was pale, and his eyes looked dull.

"Where have you been? You had us worry sick!" Ashton exclaimed but I just kept quiet.

I then felt Luke's hand on my wrist and he dragged me to a spot so we can be alone.

"Y/n...why are you dressed like this? Where-" "I'm homeless Luke! I gave up EVERYTHING just to be with you!

I have no family here or friends! I didn't go to any of the boys because they knew about the bet!

I have NO ONE!" I cried and he pulled me into his chest. I was crying very hard.

I then heard Luke cry as well. "This is all my fault! I'm sorry babe! I love you so much, please believe me when I say that! I really do! Please come back to me!

I miss you! And the boys are really, really sorry as well. They feel very bad. So, can you forgive me and the boys. Please babe." He held my waist so tight. I looked up at him and kissed him.

"Alright, I'll forgive you and the boys. I love you babe." Luke picked up and ran to the boys.

"Y/n's back! Y/n! Forgave us!" "Yeah!" The boys held and they hugged me.

After that me and Luke opened the day together. And through out the day he kept apologizing.


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