#11: His extinct lineage

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Ever since he was young he had always wondered what being in love would feel like. He would often stay awake past bedtime and sit on the roof of his house back in Jaebusim and wonder what his future would be like. (In case you guys forgot: Jaebusim is the village where Jungkook's hunter tribe lives.)

He would often find himself lost in his own imaginary world lying on the cold roof and staring at the stars. But that was when he was barely 12 after that he had lost his father and started training he had learned what the world was and dedicated his life to being a hunter. To avenge his father and to be his grandfather's pride. But life really played a joke on him.

The stars were all the same like they were ten years ago, twinkling merrily in the velvet-like expense of unending sky. The wind was also pleasantly scented with blossoms as it gently touched his hair, teasing his exposed skin as he lay on the grass with Jimin hovering over him. His eyes slightly glazed over as he had a hand curled in the vampire's silky gray locks, feeling every strand against his fingertips, as Jimin's kissed his face, the soft lips moving against his skin.

This feeling was so foreign to him, the way his heart was beating twice its normal rate, the way his neck and ears were burning turning a soft shade of pink, the way his stomach felt funny making him weak. 

Was this what love felt like? The hunter thought belatedly, feeling the weird and strange yet welcome feelings coursing through him. 

Jungkook felt like there was no other place that would compare to this feeling... the feeling of being in the arms of his soulmate. 

"Have you ever been in love before?" Jungkook whispered sounding entranced, Jimin's lips stilled and as the vampire pulled away slightly from where he had been kissing his jaw Jungkook felt as if the glittering stars had dimmed. 

He wanted to stop the man tell him not to move further, he was unable to let go of his pride. 

It was a hunter's instinct, that they would never admit to something that made them weak, no matter the situation no matter family or foes. But thankfully Jimin didn't move too far staying close enough that Jungkook still felt the vampire's soft exhale against his moist jaw as he hummed softly in agreement. 

The hunter couldn't help the curiosity coursing in his veins as he turned his head to meet the vampire's eyes, "If you don't mind me asking can you tell me who it was?"

A weird look passed within the vampire's eyes and was gone within a second, disappearing with the wind. Jimin shifted himself on his forearm to place a lingering kiss against his forehead.

"She was my cousin." Jimin looked in Jungkook's eyes who patiently waited to hear the rest, eyes fixed on the vampire close enough for their noses to touch.

Seeing the curious look in the hunter's eyes Jimin's lips curved upwards. He would never tell the hunter but the way Jungkook's emotion all appeared genuine and pure was what attracted Jimin the most. It was the first time Jimin saw the little child-like innocence hidden in the hunter's iron-like armor.

"Have you ever wondered why I am different than other vampires?" Jimin was still smiling.

 Jungkook didn't hesitate to answer, "I did wonder but it's because you are an Old one, isn't it? Old ones are powerful." Jungkook answered with a slight pout, hoping he was right.

Jimin chuckled, the laughter ringing around the meadow like bells, carried around in wind leaving Jungkook astonished.

How can someone's laughter alone be this entrancing?

Jimin leaned his head on Jungkook's shoulder to catch his breath and the curious hunter grew impatient wanting to know if he was right, "Are you an Old one then?" 

"No, I am barely 300 years old to be an Old one I need to be at least half a millennium old (500 years)," Jimin answered growing silence again just to tease the hunter.

Jungkook thought for a while but was unable to come up with something logical so he urged, "Then why are you different?"

Jimin smiled mysteriously and instead of answering stretched out his hand leaning over Jungkook to pluck a little flower bud. He held it in his hand for a moment and Jungkook watched curiously, as the flower began to unravel and bloom.

Jimin handed the blossom to Jungkook, who took it cautiously in his long calloused fingers.

"When I was a human I was from a wizarding family, the full-blooded wizards don't exist anymore because they were hunted and killed." Jimin creased Jungkook hair softly, "Just like hunters' the wizards also lived in tribes. They married wizards and stayed away from humans choosing to follow their own customs and traditions, I also lived in one of those wizard tribes. My family was small with me and my twin brother and my parents,

"Every year on the winter solstice our tribe would climb the mountain to pay respects to the Goddess. I was 23 years old and after the ceremony, I was supposed to get married to my then five-year fiancée." Jungkook suddenly wanted to tell Jimin to stop, because the vampire's eyes had glazed over with a thin layer of tears.

"It's okay Jimin you don't have to tell me." Jungkook gently placed a hand against the vampire's chest, he had completely forgotten that Jimin wasn't like him until that moment when felt the slow beating heart beneath his palm. 

Jimin reached out to curl his fingers around Jungkooks hand and grew silent, as Jungkook tried to think of anything to say but the only thing he could think about was what Jimin told him. So that was why Jimin was different because he was never human in the first place, he was a wizard. 

It must have been painful to watch as his whole wizarding lineage was killed and went extinct in front of his eyes. 

"On that day," Jimin continued after a moment and Jungkook was surprised, "when we were climbing the mountain a pack of vampires had attacked suddenly. And because it was unexpected no one was able to fight. I died. Or at least I was supposed to. A few days later I woke up to this burning feeling in my throat and then I recalled the scene of the massacre. I was still lying in the blood of my family. Everyone was dead but me and..." Jimin grew silent and then whispered in an almost inaudible whisper, "my twin brother, Taehyung."


Adios bunnies,

I completed this chapter even though I have my last exam tomorrow. 

Also, the next chapter will have a gigantic and deadly cliffhanger and will be the climax chapter so fasten yer seat belts only four more chapters to go. 

This chapter is a lil short so I will try to update early.


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