#12: The Hunter's Purpose

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Song suggestion:
I need you ~ bts
So far away ~ bts

-I am here to spend my valantines with y'all 💖-

(Not proofread)

The air was light and the morning air cool as the soulmates made their way down the mountain, Jungkook was confused and maybe a little scared, but he had made the decision and he would keep his word. He turned to look at the vampire and couldn't help but feel like Jimin wasn't a vampire but some divine creature. A creature that was his soulmate.

Jungkook was defiantly falling and he realized it didn't matter what Jimin was. As far as his hunter conscience was concerned he consoled himself knowing that everything would work out as long as Jimin didn't hurt humans.

"There is one thing I don't understand," Jungkook mumbled as the leaves crunched under their feet.

"hmm?" Jimin turned to look at Jungkook as he held a branch away for the hunter to pass by.

"Why did you send Hoseok after Taehyung when he is your twin?" Jungkook was surprised to find that the vampire Jimin had sent hobi after was none other than Jimin's only family.

Jimin stopped midway before calming his expression as he slowly turned to face Jungkook, "Just because I sometimes know what fate has in store doesn't mean I can change the course of events." Jimin turned to face Jungkook as he cupped his cheek gently, "All these visions I have... I feel like it's my eternal prison, I can't escape it and at the same time, I can't change it.  I am just a bystander who is forced to watch and sometimes push the 'start' button."

Jungkook frowned as Jimins words sank into his heart. He felt like the world has been cruel to this vampire. The hunter lowered his head not wanting to listen more because these few words were enough to cause his heart to ache. 

Jimin's lips curved into a barely noticeable smile at the sight of the hunter hanging his head low looking absolutely adorable, "They are soulmates Jungkook."

Jungkook was speechless, and couldn't help but exclaim, "What kind of a joke is this?"

The vampire laughed heartily at that and the surprised hunter was amazed again, his little anger vanished and was instead replaced with bubbles and bells. He decided that Jimin's laughter was his most favourite sound in the world.

They continued their journey back to Busan, talking about little nothings, Jimin was telling Jungkook about his magical abilities and Jungkook told the curious vampire about his life back in Jaebusim. It was plainly healing. 

At that moment Jimin could see himself a few years into the future with Jungkook, accompanying him on hunts, maybe travelling the world together.  But he forgot - for the first time in three hundred years - that fate was really cruel. 

And Jimin was cursed, destined to be alone. 

They had trekked halfway back and Jungkook felt that the way back was short, because a part of him didn't want to reach the end of the mountain. He didn't want to emerge on the other side and reminded of his fate, he didn't want to part ways with Jimin and wanted to walk side by side like this for the rest of his life.

But everyone will reach their destiny no matter how hard they try to avoid it, Jungkook too. 

Jungkook was snapped out of his thoughts when Jimin suddenly tensed. Jungkook immediately frowned, opening his mouth to ask what was wrong, but at that moment Jimin stepped in front of him pushing, opening his arms, to protect his soulmate.

Jungkook was shocked but before he could ask his ears picked up the sound of footsteps that Jimin had sensed before him. 

There was a growl and Victoria jumped out of the woods fangs bared as she pounced on Jimin. Jimin also growled as he forced the vampire back using his hands. Jungkook quickly snapped out of his shock and immediately reached out to free, two long knives.  

There was a loud crack as the vampire hit the tree and crushed it under her weight but she stood up again and charged at the soulmates. But a moment had been enough for Jimin to erect a barrier around them. But that did not stop the vampire who was burning with the rage of humiliation and blood lust, she got up and charged at the barrier and was thrown back again.

Jimin used that moment and turned to face Jungkook,  ignoring the crazy vampire, "I will hold her back but if things get bad, promise me you will run away the moment I tell you to."

Jungkook wanted to argue but at that moment victoria collided with the barrier and the ground shook with the impact. And looking into Jimin's eyes he was suddenly rendered speechless, so he nodded. And Jimin kissed his forehead.

At the moment the barrier shattered loudly and the Victoria charged at the hunter but Jimin intercepted her midway. Once again Jungkook stood at the side as his soulmate fought to protect him. He hated it but he tried to keep his promise as he watched the growling vampires rip into each other, they were like a video played at fast speed. 

Even too fast for Jungkook to keep up with them.

Everything was a blur of blood, fangs, growls and crashing trees.

While Jungkook was unable to push the sight of Jimin almost dying last time from his mind. He stood with his knives posed in case he had to help. He held the hilts in his sweaty palms until suddenly Jimin was flung into the tree right beside him. 

Jungkook's heart stopped beating, Jimin was bleeding in multiple places, and Jungkook could sense that it was severe, because they had not even begun to hell. 

But still, Jimin's eyes were burning with fire as he stared at the other vampire, he climbed back to his feet and yelled, "Jungkook run away, and don't look back!"

At these words, his mind turned blank and Jungkooks feet moved automatically he started running on shaky footsteps. He didn't know how long he ran but at one point, the locket around his neck got caught in a branch and his mind started to work again and he realized what he had done. 

As the chain snapped and the locket fell with a dull thud he realized what a huge mistake he had made.

He left his soulmate alone with a crazy vampire to fend for himself. 

Jimin's whole body ached, Victoria was bleeding more then him but she had lost her mind to anger with nothing to lose she was more fierce. 

Jimin was weak, despite being older than Victoria. He felt like he won't survive but he had to protect Jungkook, it didn't matter if he died, he won't die in vain. Besides, because he didn't want to die yet he wanted to live for Jungkook and that held him back.

Victoria picked up a broken branch and with a snarl threw it in Jimin's direction, who was still distracted. Just before the branch would hit him it was intercepted by a knife and fell back on the ground. 

Jungkook stood in front of Jimin now, protecting as a hunter is meant too. "Leave. Him. Alone." He squeezed out each word separately. 

Victoria growled and moved faster than a normal eye could follow but Jungkook was a hunter and he used all his strength to fend off her attacks. 

But Jimin suddenly felt a bad feeling well up in his throat, he wanted to yell at Jungkook to run away but he found he could not speak. In a blink of an eye, Victoria pulled a knife from the hunter and ran in Jimin's direction and before Jimin could react the knife was twisting in the air in his direction.

He wanted to run away but he was frozen until his mind turned blank and when he came to his senses his a moment later he found he was lying on the ground and Jungkook was standing where Jimin was standing moments ago the knife buried in his stomach. 



Everybody don't disown me!  We still have 3 more chapters to go. 

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