#Chapter 2: The fire

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Jungkook :

The air is hot, humid, and hazy. Jungkook quickly wiped the sweat dripping down his forehead and crouched down lower behind the hedge.

The house in front of him was beautiful.

Covered in ivy and potted plants, the house was surrounded by a lush green yard. The house itself was two-floored and made up of oak wood. Its windows gleaming in the evening light as the sun was hidden behind dark gray clouds.

It was situated in the middle of the woods around Busan, away from humans.

He was finding it hard to believe that this beautiful place might belong to a vampire.

Might be a vampire's house.

He shook his head and looked up again. He had been following Jimin since last week and knew that this was time for the vampire's nap. Usually, vampires sleep away the brightest hours of the day. The sunlight won't burn him but it will definitely annoy him. Vampires are creatures of night so they would definitely avoid daytime and hunt at night, right?

But this vampire was different.  

Slowly he got up catching no movement from the windows - all of which were covered with curtains to keep the sunlight out - he walked carefully inside the yard and started to sprinkle it with the flammable powder as he went.

There were only several ways to kill a vampire. You could try to behead the vampire or to stake him in the heart but hurting anywhere was pointless they will heal again.

Jungkook knew Jimin was at least a few centuries old. He would know how to fight and if he wanted he could take down someone as inexperienced as Jungkook.

The hunter had to get rid of this vampire quickly and without giving himself away. 

So Jungkook chose to set the house on fire with the vampire inside the house.

Yes, it was another way to kill the vampire.

He pulled out the lighter from his pocket and walked to the very edge of the yard holding it up he clicked it watching the flames dance.

It was weird that he felt sad. Maybe because it was his first hunt or maybe... 

maybe because he wanted to meet that vampire in real life. He had gotten a little obsessed with this little vampire and his peculiar habits.

He had to admit that no one in this town had anything against him and people would even praise him instead. Plus the fact that Jungkook found no victims prone to vampire attacks. And following the vampire for the week. He hadn't once witnessed the vampire hunt.

But he had to do it. Park Jimin was still a vampire at the end of the day. And he was a vampire hunter.

Slowly he let go of the lighter letting it fall onto the tiny mound of the powder.

The flames leaped up the next instant and Jungkook watched it not feeling excited at his victory.

Not really feeling anything at all.

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