#8: Reunion of souls

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The locket was definatly charming.

Jungkook's initial reaction was to reach out and touch the locket but as his fingers were only centimeters away he stopped.

Jungkook was still cautious. there was a locket with his initials in a vampires house and even more weird that the locket looked to be as old as Jimin or maybe even more old.

He didnt dare touch anything rashly. Jimin was definatly no ordinary vampire that much was sure. Standing here and studying all these peculiar things it was only a natural reaction.

Jungkook decided to wait for Jimin to come back so he sat down at the blood red divan in the living room.

The living room was spacious, with a hallway leading to the front door and a heavy maghony door on the east side leading to the kitchen. The south facing wall was had sliding glass doors leadibg to the backyard. The many windows and the glass doors were covered with heavy deep red curtains.

The wooden floor was covered in maroon carpets and surronding the fire place were sofas and the divan where Jungkook currently sat.

The sofa was too comfortable and hunter, who had been really stressed these past few days and had continuously been fighting, started feeling drowsy. Not to mention that he had even donated blood to that vampire, too.

Hence when Jimin opened the door he found that the hunter was asleep. Jimin had just returned from the rain but he wasnt even a little bit wet.

He closed the door and walked towards Jungkook. A slight frown on his face.

His house was surronded by many magical protection wards and no one can enter it without permission, no one but Jimin who was the owner. It could be said that the house was conscious of who entered it.

But Jungkook had walked in without effecting the wards. Intially Jimin thought that since he had passed out the wards might be broken but they were all fine.

After giving it some thought Jimin realized that it could only mean one thing.

The house recognized Jungkook as its master too. Jimins wards were all ineffective against him.

Shaking his head he realized the hunter had stirred awake so Jimin carefully approched him and stood in front of him.

Jungkook ignored the vampire and lay there with his eyes closed but Jimin wasn't fooled. He could hear Jungkooks slightly irregular heartbeat.

Jimin sighed and lifted his own wrist and bit down on it. Jungkooks eyes snapped open at the scent of blood. Jimin slid down to his knees infront of Jungkook leaning against the sofa. Jungkook immediatly sat up straight. Just in time to see Jimins pale bleeding wrist.


"It will help you heal and increase your blood level."

Jungkook frowned staring at the bleeding wrist but after a moment of hesitation he shook his head and carefully took the wrist in his hand.

He hesitated instinctivly but he couldnt help but be curious. He naturally knew vampire blood had healing abilities and was diffrent plus he was definatly weak after his brawl with the vampire so he finally covered the wrist with his own mouth.

He wasnt sure about what he had been expecting but the blood that filled his mouth was sweet and warm, like a drink from heavens, it was weirdly addicting. Jungkook gulped down a mouthful and pushed the wrist away.

He was afraid if he drank anymore he might not be able to stop.

But the swallowed mouthful of blood suddenly made his body heat up and his mind feel heavy. The slight aches all faded and so did the tiredness weighting his muscles.

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