#6: The debt

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The vampire had pulled the knife from his grip.

At that moment it was as if time slowed. Like how they say happens in movies. He watched the shiny metal tip zoom in on him slowly.

Giving him only enough time to realize that he was dying. Without fulfilling his prophecy.

That he won't be able to keep his promise to his grandpa. That he would become an outcast, a disappointment for his tribe.

A reason for them to lower their heads in shame.

Jungkook's eyes were wide as he waited for his agonizingly slow death.

Watching the tip come closer and closer before vanishing.

Suddenly a cool breeze brushed his hair off his forehead with a strange sound of whoosh.

And suddenly a loud slam sounded. The hunter couldn't help but jump in surprise, looking up to find Jimin holding the other vampire by her neck against the wall.

"You know this area is off-limits, Victoria! You can't just hurt humans or feed on them." Jimin snarled his voice so deadly that it sent shivers down Jungkook's spine as he kneeled on the ground gasping and holding his neck.

"Why not? Ji-jimin, don't wan- want to share y- your snack?" The vampire gasped a smirk decorating her lips despite the fact that Jimin kept tightening his hold around her neck with every word she spoke.

His veins popped out and Jungkook noted Jimin's hands were actually small.

"Did you forget the pact?!" Jimin shouted and Jungkook almost winced but he held himself back.

Suddenly Victoria kicked Jimin in the ribs making the vampire stumble back and fall on his knees. And Jungkook could swear he heard a crack of a bone-breaking.

He bit on his tongue hard drawing blood in an attempt to not scream out.

Victoria stood over Jimin now who was on the ground as his fangs lengthened.

Anyone could have been able to tell that Jimin was in pain.

Suddenly their eyes met briefly for a second and Jungkook wondered if it were tears he saw in Jimin's eyes.

"You broke the pact by allowing a hunter in your territory Jimin."

Broke the pact? For me?

But that thought vanished when Victoria kicked him in his stomach and Jimin's grey hair flew back as he fell backward, landing on his back, a groan leaving his lips as a puff of dust rose in the air.

"Jimin you are so pathetic, you know? You choose to save humans, ignore your desire, and feed on animals instead. I will teach you how you lose your territory when you ignore your nature."

Jungkook felt his chest tighten.

Feed on animals? Jimin doesn't hunt humans?

But who would know that better than Jungkook after trailing the vampire for two weeks? Jungkook was just in denial.

The vampire turned her attention to Jungkook and started towards him. Barely making two steps before Jimin got up again and kicked her knee and another crack echoed. As the female vampire's body twisted at an odd angle.

But that didn't stop here as she dragged herself at the other vampire her fangs bared as she lept at him falling on top of Jimin going for his neck.

The vampires became a growling mess. Fighting like wild dogs over a bone.

Jungkook cringed at the thought disgusted.

Feeling slightly better he decided to help Jimin so he uncovered the sword from his back and charged but Victoria was quick she jumped away from Jimin.

The vampire knew she was at a disadvantage. Despite Jimin being severely injured the vampire still was fast and he also had the hunter on his back.

"This is not over!" She growled before disappearing within the woods that were growing darker by the second.

For a moment Jungkook stood there still holding the sword in his hand. Unable to believe she left. It was a defeat. He wasn't able to kill her.

Was he not good enough?

Before Jungkook could lose himself to his inner demons a grunt caught his attention and he turned to find Jimin leaning against a tree.

His silver hair was all messed up with leaves and traces of mud. His milky skin covered in bruises and mud, so were his clothes.

There were wounds on his necks and blood seeping through the wound on his stomach soaking his clothes.

Jungkook's hand holding the sword grew weak as the sword fell from his numb fingers.

Jungkooks' heart was in shambles. He had set out with the intention to end it all. Who knew that he would be only falling harder for this vampire. Who knew that when he would be dangling on the verge of death Jimin would save him?

Jungkook had his pride. He was absolutely disgusted that he was saved by Jimin and wasn't strong enough but his pride won't let him be in a vampire's debt either.

His chest and throat burned he could only manage a couple of steps towards the vampire before collapsing on his knees beside Jimin.

Jimin held his breath so as not to inhale Jungkook's alluring scent, head turned away. It broke Jungkooks heart for some reason, holding his lip between his teeth he gathered some courage and turned Jimin's face towards his finger cupping Jimin's face were unsure.

Being a vampire, the small scratches should have healed by now. But they hadn't and that meant Jimin had lost too much blood to heal. He will have to feed but in this condition, he wouldn't be able to hunt.

Jimin's blue eyes were beautiful. Mesmerizing. It was the first time he saw Jimin this close and he didn't miss the slight skip in his heartbeat.

"I owe you," Jungkook whispered shifting his gaze to the ground. As he tried to speak more but no words came out. So he tilted his head to the side exposing his neck.

It's okay Jimin will take some blood heal and then I will have repaid him,

At least that's what Jungkook was telling himself but he didn't realize he was just lying to his own mind.

He didn't miss the sharp intake of breath from the other causing him to snap his eyes up only to witness Jimins fangs had lengthened.

Jungkook couldn't help the disgust that suddenly welled up in him. But he wasn't going to sway from his word now.

Jimin started breathing through his mouth turning his head away attempting to hide his fangs, the vampire breathed, "You don't owe me anything."

"But you saved me. Hunters don't keep debts."

Jimin turned to him and a brief flesh of anger shone in his eyes before they grew emotionless."Fine." Jimin mumbled lifting his left hand, knuckles covered in dried blood, and cupped Jungkook's cheek.

Above them, the sky growled loudly. But the soulmates were caught in each other's eyes. Blue and gray, the ocean and sky.

Slowly Jimin leaned forward and Jungkook closed his eyes before feeling the others cold lips against his.

It felt like it was his first breath.

Or the cool drops of rain after a scorching summer.

A soft warmth ran through his veins like a feeling of euphoria.

What he was unaware of was the moment the vampire's lips touched his, the bruises around Jungkoook's neck, and the small scratches started healing. While the bigger wounds like the bite mark turned several days old.

Slowly they pulled away. Jungkook didn't want to. But he had to because knew he wasn't ready to accept Jimin as his soulmate.

"Now you don't owe me anything," Jimin mumbled inches away from Jungkook's lips before detaching himself completely Junkook sat there shell-shocked at the sudden kiss meanwhile the vampire disappeared into the woods.

Jungkook's hand came to rest on his chest. Like that would stop the longing for more and the surge of unknown emotions in his heart.

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