When Viola Lupin found out Harry Potter had bought all the sweets from the trolly, she automatically decided she didn't like him.
When Harry Potter heard Viola Lupin laugh at Draco Malfoy's joke, he au...
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Professor McGonagall, Madam Rosmerta and Cornelius Fudge were all huddled around a table in an upstairs room in the three broomsticks.
Little did they know Harry Potter was stood with them.
"Now, tell me what this is all about" Madam Rosmerta started
"Well" Professor McGonagall started to explain "years ago when Harry Potters parents realised they were marked for death, they went into hiding. Do you remember? Few knew where they were. One who did... Sirius Black" Rosmerta nodded in understanding as McGonagall continued " and he told you- know- who!"
"Not only did Black lead you-know-who to the Potters that night, but he also killed a friend. Peter Pettigrew" Fudge inputted
"Peter Pettigrew?" Rosmerta questioned
"Yes, Peter Pettigrew! A mousy little boy. Always trailing after Sirius Black"
"Oh I remember him" Rosmerta said in recognition "never let James or Sirius' out of his sight. And... what was her name, The pretty blond? Rosaleé?"
"Yes, indeed" McGonagall nodded "they were especially good friends. She was devastated after his death.
"Well what do you think happened?" Rosmerta pressed
"Peter tried to warn the Potters that night, and might of managed it too had he not run into a friend, Sirius Black"
"Black was vicious. He didn't kill Peter Pettigrew. He destroyed him!" Fudge exclaimed " a finger, that's all that was left. A finger"
"Oh yes. Sirius Black may not have put his hands on the Potters but he's the reason they're dead" McGonagall spoke
"And now he wants to finish what he's started" inputted Fudge
"I dont believe it!" Rosmerta said in disbelief.
"And that's not the worst of it"
"What could be worse?"
"Sirius Black was, and remains to this day, Harry Potters godfather. With his parents dead and godfather in Azkaban he was forced to live with his aunt and Uncle. The Lupins were furious about it. Tried to get Dumbledore to let Harry stay with them. But Dumbledore thought it would be best for Harry to grow up away from the magical world" McGonagall explained "perhaps it was best. I don't know how poor Remus and Rosaleé would be able to cope with both Harry and Viola living under the same roof. I can barely contain them in the same castle"
"It is rather tragic" Fudge spoke
"Remus and Rosaleé were left heartbroken. With the loss of the Potters, the McKinnons, Pettigrew, the betrayal of Sirius Black and the unfortunate condition of the Longbottoms. It's all very sad indeed"
Harry had heard all he needed to know.
Although the new found information that Sirius Black was his parents friend and that he had betrayed him was a crushing one. He felt gratitude towards Remus and Rosaleé for wanting to look after him even when they were struggling themselves.
Harry stormed out of the room. Hearing everything he needed to hear. Swinging the door opened and trudging away in the snow.
——————————————————————————— A/N
Writing this made me so sad. I miss the squad so much.