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Viola was sat between Ginny and Tonks, sniggering at the stupid noses Tonks was creating

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Viola was sat between Ginny and Tonks, sniggering at the stupid noses Tonks was creating. Her mum and dad sat at the far end of the table closely, next to them Sirius who was conversing with Harry.

"I don't get it, what's the ministry got against me?" Harry asked

"Show him, he'll find out soon anyway" Moody said from the corner of the room.

The table went quiet as Kingsley Shacklebolt handed Harry a copy of the Daily Prophet that read "The Boy Who Lies"

"He's been attacking Dumbledore as well" Kingsley said

"Fudge is using all his power including the Prophet to swear anyone who claims the dark Lord had returned" Sirius spoke up

"Why?" Harry asked

"He thinks Dumbledores after his job" said Remus

"But that's insane! No one in their right mind could believe that-"

"Exactly the point" Remus interrupted "Fudge isn't in his right mind. It's been warped by fear. Fear makes people do terrible things Harry. Last time Voldemort gained power he almost destroyed everything we hold most dear-"

Rosaleé grabbed Remus and Sirius' hands tightly.

"-and now he's returned and I'm afraid the minister will do everything to ignore the truth"

"We think Voldemort's wanting to build up his army's again" Sirius said "14 years ago he had huge numbers at his command and not just witches and wizards but all manner of Dark creatures. He's been recruiting heavily. But gathering followers isn't the only thing he's interested in. We believe Voldemort maybe after something else-"

"-Sirius" Moody warned

"-Something he didn't have last time"

"You mean like a weapon?" Harry asked

"No! That's enough" Mrs Weasley interrupted "he's just a boy! You say much more and you might as well  induct him into the order straight away!"

"You can't just leave us on a cliffhanger!" Viola whined "I'm on the edge of my seat here". Her parents shot her a warning look causing her to shut her mouth while the Weasley children snickered.

"Good, I want to join the order!" Harry protested "if Voldemort's raising an army then I want to fight!"

"Calm down Potter. Slow your road, he's almost killed you atleast a handful of times" Viola piped up causing Remus to put his head in his hands and Harry to roll his eyes.

"Vi, now is really not the time"

Viola couldn't sleep, the creaky old beds at Grimmauld place were the most uncomfortable things she'd ever had the displeasure to lay on.

She sat downstairs in the dark, the only light the shimmer of the moon beaming through the kitchen window. She wrapped her hands around a mug of tea while her legs were pulled up against her on a wooden chair at the kitchen table.

She skimmed the rim of the mug with her finger when movement caught her attention.


"What are you doing here?" Harry asked as he slowly entered the room

"Couldn't sleep"

"Me neither"

Viola smiled to herself  in amusement as she looked at Harry. His usual messy hair seemed even messier and stuck up every which way. His tartan pyjama bottoms dragged a little on the floor while his Chucky jumper covered his hands. He'd grown taller over the summer and had broaden out. But it wasn't his physical features Viola noticed first. He seemed tired, worn. It was evident the return of Voldemort and death of Cedric had taken its toll on him.

"Do you want some?"

"I- er - what?!"

"Tea? Do you want some tea?" She smirked

"Oh er. Sure. Thanks" he awkwardly replied sitting down as Viola made her way to the kettle.

"How come you can't sleep?" Viola asked as she stirred the tea bag around, her back to him

"Just the hearing tomorrow" he replied

"Oh I heard about that. Let's hope you're not expelled" she said absentmindedly "for your sake obviously. Not mine" she quickly clarified.

Harry smiled to himself in amusement

"To be honest I always thought if anyone was going to get expelled it would either be me or Fred and George"

"That would be such a shame if you got expelled" Harry playfully said sarcastically

"Very funny Potter" she replied placing the mug down next to him and taking her original place "I hate this place" she said looking around the room

"It's not exactly cheery is it?"

"I'd much prefer to be back home"

"I'd rather be anywhere than Privet Drive" Harry said. Despite their feud Viola did feel bad for Harry. It was evident the boy hated the fame and attention.

"You know... mum and Dad have always said you're welcome at the cottage. I'd be willing to share"

"Thanks" Harry said avoiding her eye and looking down at his tea "why arnt you making fun of me yet?" He teased

"Mum said I have to be nice. I don't want my arsed kicked" she admitted finishing off her tea and placing the mug in the sink "good look tomorrow Potter"

"Yeah thanks"

With that Viola nodded hesitantly and walked away up the stairs into her room.


😳 they cute

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