When Viola Lupin found out Harry Potter had bought all the sweets from the trolly, she automatically decided she didn't like him.
When Harry Potter heard Viola Lupin laugh at Draco Malfoy's joke, he au...
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Viola staggered into the great hall for breakfast. She'd had no sleep the previous night as her thoughts ran wild with the Ravenclaw girl she'd just met.
"God you look like shite" Seamus commented as she sat down opposite him.
"Charming" Parvati commented reaching for the jug of pumpkin juice
"Somehow I still look better than you though" she muttered running her hand through her hair
"Very funny" he grumbled in reply.
Viola sat stirring her cereal around in her bowl.
A McKinnon.
She was positive that the whole of the McKinnon blood line had been wiped out. Surely she couldn't couldn't be related to the woman her mother talks about so often.
Standing up abruptly she pushed her Cereal away and exited the hall.
"Where are you going?!" Dean shouted
"I'll be back. I've just got to send a letter really quick"
I know that it's dangerous to send too many owls but I think this is important.
I've just met a little girl, a Ravenclaw first year.
She's been staying with us in the room of Requirements recently.
She informed me that she does not have knowledge of her biological parents other than the fact that they shared the same middle and last name
Maisie Dorcas McKinnon.
Surely this is a mistake?
I thought if anyone would know it would be you.
Love Vi
Furrowing her eyebrows she tied the letter to the owls leg and watched it fly away.
"Right" she sighed "onto my next fucking problem. The sword.
Glancing at the map as she walked through the corridors. pausing around the corner she spotted Snape and the Carrows gathered in a classroom on the other side of the castle.
Viola slipped out infront of Snapes office and looked upon the locked door.
"I really can't be blowing this shit up every time" she sighed. Possible passwords ran through her mind "fucking?.... potions, I hate children, death eater number 134" Viola groaned in frustration as none of the passwords worked. Kicking her door she grunted in pain "shit, why'd I do that?" She asked herself "maybe Maisie was right. I am going insane".
Slapping a hand over her head she let out a breathy laugh, "of course. God I'm so stupid, Alohomora!"
The door to the office swung open.
"I hate myself so much"
Putting her wand back into her pocket she stepped into the room and closed the door behind her.
Walking over to the vials she scanned past the ones she'd already excluded and looked closely at the remaining ones, searching for one with a recent date.
"Yes!" She breathed picking up the vial carefully and inspecting it. She watched the memory glow before her before walking over to the basin and pouring it into the water "I don't even what I'm doing right now" she shrugged taking a deep breath and submerging her head under the water.
She was thrust into darkness before her vision cleared.
Looking around, leaves crunched under her feet. She was in a forest?
What was Snape doing in a forest?
Deciding to walk around, Viola pulled her robe tighter around her as the wind rushed through the trees. Whispering rung in her ears. They seemed to call her, pull her over.
Emerging from the trees into a clearing she suddenly slipped, grabbing for a near by branch to grab onto, preventing herself from falling. She had slipped on a frozen lake.
Something shimmered in the ice towards the centre.
Shuffling around the edge to get a closer looks she let out a gasp.
There the sword lay. Frozen within the waters on the lake.
Why would Snape hide the sword in a forest?
It didn't matter. She knew where it was.
Without warning Viola was thrown out of the memory, stumbling backwards and gasping for air as she fell back into a seat.
"I need to tell Harry" she whispered.
Glancing back to the map she saw Professor Snape quickly making his way back over.
"Expecto Patronum"
She didn't have time to linger "find Harry and guide him to the sword in the frozen lake" she commanded at the patronous that bowed its head before running off.
Grabbing the map she didn't wait to watch the patronous run away before placing the vial back on the shelf and exiting the office once again.
——————————————————————————— A/N
I've been thinking , I know shocker, but it could Of been James who put the rock in the tunnel but Vi just assumed it was Sirius because she'd never met James before.