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Viola had decided that she'd well and truly earned a late night snack from the kitchens.

What for? She didn't know. She'd practically done nothing. But still, she deserved it

Creeping down the stairs about to enter the common room she came to a stop.

She recognised the voices straight away.

Harry, Ron and Hermione sat around talking quietly.

Viola hesitated in going over.

She didn't really feel as if she belonged with Harry, Ron and Hermione.

It was stupid really, she knew that. But sometimes she just felt that they wished she was rather not there.

She understood it of course. She never did have a filter and sometimes regretted things that came out of her mouth before she even said them.

Sometimes the things she blurted out would visibly irritate the trio.

But it was okay because she had Neville, Dean and Seamus, and in her opinion, they were the best.

Still, she couldn't help but be curious as to what they were talking about.

"Well, how was it?" Ron asked smirking slightly

"Wet" Harry replied from his place on the floor infront of the fire

Viola furrowed her eyebrows, what on earth could they be talking about?

"I mean she was sort of crying" he continued

"That bad at it are you?" Ron chuckled beside Hermione who shot him a look

"I'm sure Harry's kissing was more than satisfactory" Hermione defended, "Cho spends half of her time crying these days"

Violas eyes widened as she took in the new information, Cho and Harry had kissed.

She thought back to a few hours before, just when the DA meeting had finished.

They must of kissed just after she'd left.

Viola felt a strange twinge of betrayal.

She'd stayed behind to try and comfort Harry about going home for Christmas. Sure it may not of seemed like it but she did try. She also opened her house for him to stay in while, may she add, being nice!

Only for Harry to go and Kiss someone else?

She didn't know why she felt betrayed, but she did.

Deciding she wasn't hungry anymore she made her way back up to bed.

Stubborn Attraction 2 ~H.PWhere stories live. Discover now