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Ron walked down the hall to sit with Harry,Hermione, Viola and the rest of the Gryffindor quidditch team

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Ron walked down the hall to sit with Harry,Hermione, Viola and the rest of the Gryffindor quidditch team.

He sat nervously gulping as he stared down at his food before facing the three of them "how was is then?"

Harry chocked on his pumpkin juice "what-?"

Viola had suppress her laugh looking down into her cereal.

"The dinner party" Ron continued

"Oh" Harry said kicking Viola under the table as she let out a snicker

"Pretty boring actually" Hermione answered "though I think Harry enjoyed dessert"

Harry stopped chewing and paused while Viola put her head in her hands hiding her grin and trying to prevent herself from laughing.

If only she knew.

"Slughorns having a Christmas do, you know? And we're expected to bring someone"

"I expect you'll be bringing Mclaggen"

Viola slammed her head against the table "god you're so dense" she laughed

"Actually I was going to ask you" Hermione said to Ron

"Really?" Ron asked sarcastically as Lavender sidled up next to him.

"Good luck today Ron" she smiled "I know you'll be brilliant and you vi"

"Thanks lav" Viola smiled back while Ron nodded

"I'm resigning" Ron said panicking "after today's match, Mclaggen can have my spot"

"Have it your way" Harry replied handing Ron some juice.

"You did sort out the team plays didn't you?" Hermione asked Viola and Harry

"Oh yeah, course" Viola replied waving Hermione off

"Hello everyone" Luna said sitting down next to them "you look dreadful Ron..."

"Doesn't he always?"

"...is that why you put something in his cup. Is it a tonic?"

"Liquid luck" Hermione breathed exasperated as Harry put the vial back into his pocket "don't drink it Ron!"

Ron lifted the cup to his lips taking a sip

"You could be expelled for that!"

"I don't know what you're talking about" Harry shrugged

"Come on Harry, Vi. We've got a game to win"  he said standing up and slapping Harry on the back.

The quaffle was tossed up into the air signalling the start of the match and Viola quickly snatched it up,  gathering it in her arms as she spend in her chosen formation to the Slytherin keeper. The pass to Katie was intercepted by a Slytherin causing them to become on the defensive. A shot was taken and Ron had managed to dive down blocking the Quaffle with ease while the Gryffindors cheered.

Shot after shot was taken with Ron blocking each.

The Gryffindor points started racking up as the crowed cheered louder. The chanting of this name ringing through the stands.

The chanting continued all the way back to the Gryffindor common room. The party was well underway as Ron stood on the table and students clapped and cheered for while red and gold confetti fell upon him.

"You really shouldn't of done it" Hermione said shaking her head but smiling

"I know. I suppose I could of just used-"

"-the confundus charm" Viola finished

"You both knew? That was different, that was tryouts. Not an actual game"

Harry pulled the full vial out of his pocket showing Hermione.

"You never put it in? Ron only thought you did"

Harry nodded in confirmation

"That's the smartest thing you've done to date Potter" Viola whistled

Suddenly lavender jumped upon the table with Ron, pulling him down into a kiss. Harry laughed and cheered as he watched while Viola glanced over at Hermione.

Hermione quickly left making Viola go after her immediately.  She found Hermione sitting on some steps sniffing as silent tears ran down her face. Viola sat down next to her and pulled her into her side. She didn't say anything she just held her gently until Harry turned up. Giving him a nod as he sat down she headed back to the party leaving Harry and Hermione to talk alone.

"How does it feel Harry? When you think Viola doesn't like you back? I know. I see the way you look at her. And I also see the way she looks at you. I know, you're my best friend"


Hermione knows but she doesn't KNOW

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