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Months had passed and Viola was sat in the common room in one of her dads jumpers she'd stolen and reading one of his books he'd gifted her for Christmas

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Months had passed and Viola was sat in the common room in one of her dads jumpers she'd stolen and reading one of his books he'd gifted her for Christmas.
She'd abandoned her reading and had resorted to staring into the fire with a blank face.

Her body ached with the amount of abuse it had endured recently leaving her to become slightly numb. Still, she had to move. She promised she'd help Maisie with her Herbology homework in the library. She probably wasn't the best person to help with Herbology and suggested that Neville helped her instead but Maisie was adamant that it should be her that helped her.

Dragging herself us she closed the book making a photograph flutter to the floor. Picking it up she inspected it closely.

It looked to be around Christmas time and a group of students laughed and smiled while pulling stupid poses around a Christmas tree. Viola instantly recognised her mother who stood next to her father, pulling his face up into a big smile. Beside them a girl she recognised as her aunt Mary and a blond girl she assumed was Marlene and a pretty brunette she identified as Alice, Nevilles mother. On the floor in-front of them laid a boy with long black hair and mischievous grin. It couldn't be anyone else but Sirius. Viola laughed at herself as she studied the poses of Sirius and the boy next to him. James Potter looked so much like Harry it was terrifying. Similarly to Sirius he had the same mischief twinkling behind his eyes, yet his focus wasn't on the camera but the person behind it. Beside James, Peter Pettigrew. He looked nervous and twitchy, uncomfortable. Every so often he would look between James and Sirius adoringly and then to Remus and Rosaleé for comfort. The picture was somewhat blurred as a red strand of hair fell into the frame every so often as they all moved and laughed. It couldn't be anyone else but Lily Potter.

They all looked so happy, in love with the world. Viola was almost envious of them. Almost... they'd never did get to see the world properly.

Sliding the photo back into the book she made a mental note to give the photograph back to her dad the next time she saw him.

Entering the Library she walked over to Maisie who was sat in the corner.

"You ready for Herbology Maise?" She said as she slid down next to her.

"No" Maisie huffed "Herbologys stupid"

"That's not true- ...yeah, you're right. Don't tell Neville" Viola agreed

"Your secrets safe with me" Maisie smiled taking out a quill and copying down a piece of text and writing it down.

"You do know you're not supposed to copy down chunks of text from a book and pass it off as your own essay" Viola smirked

"What they don't know won't hurt them" she waved making Viola throw her head back laughing.

"You're going to go far my young one" she joked shaking her head in amusement

"Well I've learnt from the best"

"I'm a horrible influence"


"Wow okay. You weren't supposed to agree"

Viola walked back into the Gryffindor Common room after escorting Maisie safely back to her Ravenclaw common room. She'd barely stepped through the door before she was bombarded by Neville.

"They've been spotted!" Neville shouted as he accidentally slammed into Viola

"Who?" She asked steadying Neville

"Harry, Ron and Hermione! They were sighted at Gringotts! On the back of a dragon!"

"A fucking Dragon?!"


"Did they manage to get away okay or-"

"I think so" Neville cut off "they flew off somewhere"

Viola felt as she could breathe a little bit better with the weight lifted off her chest.

They were all alive.

"What do you think they were doing there?" Neville asked "they're close. Maybe they're coming back to Hogwarts"

"I don't think so" Viola hummed sadly as Neville took her bruised wrist making her wince slight causing him to apologise profusely before settling down next to her on the sofa.


Maisie 🤍

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