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"Tell me about Peter Pettigrew" Harry demanded pointing his wand at Remus as Viola and Rosaleé looked on worried and confused

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"Tell me about Peter Pettigrew" Harry demanded pointing his wand at Remus as Viola and Rosaleé looked on worried and confused.

"He was at school with us. We thought he was our friend"

"No. Pettigrews dead. You killed him" Harry said pointing his wand at Sirius

"No he didn't.Though I thought so too until you saw him on the map"

"What?" Rosaleé asked quietly her face blank.

"You mentioned seeing Pettigrew on the map!"

"The map was lying then!"

"No! The map never lies. Pettigrews alive, and he's right there" Roared Sirius pointing at scabbers.

Realisation hit Rosaleé in the face. Sending her stumbling. Remus rushed over holding her up

"Me? He's mental-" Ron started looking worried with scabbers in his hand

"Not you! Your rat!"

"Scabbers has been in my family for-"

"12 years! Curiously long life for a common garden rat. He's missing a toe isn't he?"

"So what?" Ron asked, panic in his voice

"All they could find of Peter was... his finger"
Rosaleé whispered in Remus arms as Viola watched her parents worriedly.

"He cut off his own finger. One would think he was dead, and then he transformed into a rat!" Sirius said lunging for scabbers.

"Show me!" Harry insisted

"Give him to him Ron" Harry said as Sirius plucked Scabbers from Rons strong hold

"Scabbers!" Ron protested "leave him alone! Get off him! What are you going to do?"

Suddenly the rat jumped out of Sirius hands and scampered across the floor towards the door. Sirius and Remus sent spells across the shack, each narrowly missing scabbers. Quickly, Rosaleé picked up her wand and shot a spell at scabbers as he was just about to slip through the door.

The rat morphed and twisted. It's body contorting and growing.

There he was, Peter Pettigrew.

Rosaleé collapsed to the floor as Viola rushed over to her while Remus and Sirius threw Peter back into the middle of the room.

"Remus? Sirius? My old friends" Peter croaked.

Rosaleé let out a gasp causing Peter to turn around

"Rosaleé... I missed you so much!"

Rosaleés eyes watered as she looked at him in hurt and disgust. Peter didn't try and stick around for long as he tried to run off only for Remus and Sirius to push him back.

"Harry! Look at you. You look so much like your father. Like James" Peter said getting nearer Harry.

"Get away from him" Rosaleé croaked "get away!"

"How dare you speak to Harry!" Sirius yelled "how dare you speak about James!"

" You sold James and Lily to Voldemort!" Remus exclaimed "didn't you?!"

"I didn't mean to!" Peter begged "the dark Lord, you have no idea the weapons he possesses. But Sirius, what would of you have done?"

"I would of died!" Sirius replied, anger rolling off of him "I would of died rather than betray my friends" Sirius said chasing after Peter.

"Harry!" Peter said taking a hold of Harry "James wouldn't of wanted you to kill me. Your dad, your dad would spare me. We would show me-"

Remus ripped Peter off of Harry making him fall to the floor next to Rosaleés feet.

"Rosie... you won't let them hurt me will you? You were my best friend. I've missed you" he whined begging at her feet.

Rosaleé started down at him. Her tears rolling down her face hitting the dusty floor. " don't call me that! How could you? After everything I've done for you. I fucking cared for you, when no one else did! And this is how to repay me?! I fucking loved you Peter! I mourned you! And you sold James and Lily out. They're dead! They're dead Peter!"

"But Rosie-" Peter begged pulling on her clothes

"No!" Rosaleé shouted, pain and anger lacing her voice.

"Get off of her!" Remus shouted

"S-she looks just like you did" Peter said glancing over to Viola.

"I look a lot better than you" Viola scowled at Peter, now thrown on the floor by Remus.

"Don't talk to my wife or daughter!"

"You should of realised that if Voldemort didn't kill you, we would!" Sirius shouted as he, Remus and Rosaleé pointed their wands at Peter "together!"

"No!" Harry interrupted

"Harry, this man-" Remus started

"I know what he is, but we'll take him to the castle"

"Bless you boy! Bless you!"

"I said we'd take you to the castle. After that, the dementors can have you"


Reunited, how cute...

I don't even know if this made sense but whatever

Ew Peter

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