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Viola had decided that it probably wasn't the best idea to walk around the castle at night

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Viola had decided that it probably wasn't the best idea to walk around the castle at night. Her feet ached and her eyes drooped.

She rounded the corner and smacked into someone

"Potter?!" She exclaimed

"Shhh!" He hushed placing a hand over her mouth

"Eruh get off me!" She gagged throwing his hand away from her mouth

"Be quite then!" He whispered angrily as he moved slowly along the corridor, light emitting from his wand.

Viola looked down to see a scrap of parchment in his hands. Though it wasn't just a scrap of parchment.

"That's a map of Hogwarts!"

"Shut up!"

Harry stared looking around frantically at what seemed to be nothing. Suddenly Harry muttered some words Viola thought she heard "mischief Managed" as he shoved the map into his pocket and turn off the light of his wand propelling them into darkness.

Quickly, the light was once again present as Severus Snape stood there his wand pointing at Harry and Viola.

"Potter? Lupin? What are you doing after hours?"


"Planning a late night duel"

"Very convincing" he drawled "how extraordinarily like your parents you both are. Very like your father you are Potter. And your mother Lupin. They too were exceedingly arrogant. Strutting about the castle"

"My dad didn't strut!" Harry defended "and nor do I"

"Yeah fair. My mum probably did" Viola answered casually.

"Now if you don't mind, I'd appreciate it if you could lower your wand" Harry snapped as he squinted from the light coming out of the Professors wand.

"Turn out your pockets" Snape demanded

Harry sighed and pulled out the piece of parchment.

"What's this?"

"Yeah, what is that?" Viola seconded

"It's a blank bit of parchment. Really, open it"

Harry opened the parchment as Snape pointed his wand at it "reveal your secrets" Viola scanned it curiously as writing started to form.

"Read it"

"Messers Moony, wormtail, padfoot and prongs offer their compliments to Professor Snape and request..."

"Go on"

"... and request that he keeps his abnormally large nose out of other peoples business"

Viola stifled a cackle throwing her hand over her mouth as Snape shot her a glare

"Why! You insolent little-"

"Professor" Remus Lupin interrupted

"Well... Lupin. Out for a little walk in the moonlight?" Snape sneered

"Merlin, I hate this bitch" Viola whispered to herself causing Harry's lips to twitch up, but only for a second before the fell again into a scowl.

"Viola? Harry?" Remus asked "you alright?"

"That remains to be seen" Snape spat grabbing the parchment out of Harry's hand "ive just confiscated a rather curious artefact from Mr Potter. Take a look Lupin. It is supposed to be your area of expertise. It's clearly full of Dark Magic"

"I seriously doubt it Severus" Lupin replied "it looks to me like it's a merely a parchment designed to insult anyone who tries to read it. I suspect it's a Zonko product. Nevertheless, I shall investigate any hidden qualities it may possess. It's is after all, as you say, my area of expertise"  Remus said snatching the parchment away from Snape as he tried to reach for it. "Viola, Harry. Would you come with me please? Goodnight Professor"

"Come in" Lupin said leading them both into his classroom "I haven't the faintest idea how this map came to be in your possession and quite frankly I'm astounded that you didn't hand it in. Did it not occur to you that this in the hands of Sirius Black is a map to you?"

"Hold on?" Viola interrupt "what even is that?"

"That's none of your business" Harry replied hotly.

"Erm actually it kind of is" Viola spoke back "since I've been dragged into this rubbish"

"Did you have any idea Harry?" Remus asked ignoring them arguing.

"No. No, sir"

"Now your father never set much store by the rules either but he and your mother gave their lives to save yours. You're gambling their sacrifice by wandering around the castle, unprotected with a killer on the loose is a poor way to repay them!"

Violas eyes widened. She didn't often see her dad angry.

"I will not cover up for both again, Viola, Harry. Do you hear me?"

"Yes sir"

"Yes Dad"

"I want you both to return to your dormitory and stay there. And don't take any detours. If you do... I shall know"

Harry and Viola nodded and started to walk away.

"Viola, I need to speak to you first" Remus said to his daughter.

Viola took a seat at one of the desks as Harry carried on before turning around "Professor, just so you know, I don't think that map always works. Earlier on it showed someone in the castle. Someone I know to be dead"

"Really? And who might that be?" Remus asked

"Peter Pettigrew"

"What? Your and mums old friend? Mum talks about him all the time" Viola asked

"That's impossible"

"It's what I saw" Harry said with a grimace leaving "night Professor".

The door shut behind him as Remus ran his hand through his hair.

"Dad? Are you okay?" Viola asked worriedly

"Of course but Viola. What on earth were you doing tonight?"

"Oh just doing-"

"And 'just doing Viola things' isn't an appropriate answer"

"I couldn't sleep" she admitted

"And why is that?"

"I'm not sure"

"Well come on, you have a long day tomorrow"

"Goodnight dad"

"Goodnight Vi" Remus smiled weakly as he walked over to his desk throwing down the map and scrutinising it.

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