Peter Highman x Reader

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Peter Highman x Reader

This was a request made by dqwneyvsp

Peter was never a romantic kind of person, he was always focused on business and building a future for the family that he wanted, so much so that he never really took the time to just slow down for a bit and relax. He was a man who used his words to impress potential clients and those higher up in the company but you never saw much of those smooth words at home. Whereas you loved the romance, maybe a bit more than just the formalities of him being a gentleman around everyone and in public around those who knew you. It seemed like there wasn't enough romance in your relationship and with a baby on the way now you wanted to feel it more than ever but yet again most nights you were sat down at the table reading a book waiting for him to show up. But tonight was going to be different.

So here you were in your lovely cosy home cooking dinner for you and Peter, you had the whole night planned out for both of you to be able to sit down and talk, have dinner and maybe even watch a movie but the thing that was on your mind most was putting to use the fireplace that you and Peter had been so in love with when you brought the house and well it was better to use it now rather than later right? The more that the thought played out in your head, you could feel your cheeks heat up and turn red and it wasn't from cooking! You gently added more salt to the boiling water and you put your noodles in the pot, swaying to the music you had on in the background. Your thoughts were only disturbed when you heard keys against the door, Peter was home. You turned the music down so that it was only just enough to fill the silence as you waited for Peter to walk into the kitchen, you smoothed down the dress you were wearing, giving your stomach a small rub and you made sure your hair was out of the way.

But when he came through the door he was huffing and puffing about something so you didn't bother to ask, but when you heard him shout from the front door that someone was 'being a fucking idiot and deserved to be fired' you put two and two together and figured that it was work related and you left him to deal with it while you grabbed the veggies and meat to be added to the noddles. It wasn't anything special but it was just a nice simple meal that you had been wanting to try for a while now. Soon it went quiet in the house and you assumed Peter had walked back outside or into his office.

You almost jumped as you felt a pair of hands snake around your body and a head resting upon your shoulder. "Hey there sweetie." he mumbled, kissing your cheek before moving back and placing his keys down on the counter and removing his ear piece. "Hey there handsome, good day?" you asked, peering over your shoulder as he unbuttoned his jacket and placed it over the nearby chair. He sighed heavily and walked over to the fridge grabbing the bottle of orange juice. "It was tolerable to say the least. Contractors are behind on the work they were given and now the company is back tracked because of it and our deadline is fast approaching." He finished pouring out the juice into his little Iron Man glass. "Aww I'm sorry to hear the hun." you began "Go put your feet up for a bit and relax." you suggested. Peter chuckled. "I wish I could but I have some calls to make. No rest for the wicked." and with that he was gone into his office and you were alone in the kitchen once more.


Getting through to that man was nearly impossible, it's always work work work with him and never time to sit down and just relax with me. I sighed and carried on moving about the kitchen and fixing up food and swaying to music. Of course it wasn't the end of the world but sometimes the fact he paid so much attention to work and not me makes me wonder if he was ready for this child as much as he told everyone he was. Then again being a first time parent was stressful or at least that's what my friends told me.

I grabbed the plates fresh from the cupboard and laid them out on the side of the counter and prepared to dish up dinner. Knowing Peter he would want a beer or wine with his meal so I should probably grab some from the garage. I grabbed the keys and walked out into the garage and shivered at the cold evening air, putting the key in the lock. I turned on the light and looked for the wine we had brought a few months ago before we knew about our little bundle of joy. In the corner was one of Peter's property scale models, something we had spoken about putting into the loft or in his office many times but he never seemed to do it. "I'll do it later, I'll move it tomorrow."I mimicked as I pushed it to the side and winced as I heard something hit the floor. "Please don't be something important." I whispered as I pulled the model back and gasped seeing a row of trees and the houses for the new residential block that he was working on now on the floor. "Fuck!" Bending down as far as I could I picked up what I could and held the pieces in my hands before putting them on the counter. He couldn't be too mad right, it was partly his fault for not moving it.

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