Hiking with Harry (Harry Lockhart x Reader)

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"Harry, if I have to tell you one more time I swear to god."

"Relax baby, I've got this."

"No, you don't."

"When have you ever known me to be wrong?"

"That time when we took a 'short road trip' and ended up five states away from home."

"Okay... but when else-"

"Last week you told me that to fix the plumbing I had to move that nozzle to the left a little."

"And was I not right?"

"No! The house flooded and all my clothes and possessions got damaged."

"That stuff is super easy to replace, I'm sure I can find something for you-"

"If you steal ONE more thing, I WILL call the cops on you."

Harry, your long term best friend, was a terrible liar, a thief and a criminal. The only reason you hadn't turned him in yet was because he came to you for help and just when he started to get better, his friend came back to town and got him into some real deep trouble. He came running into your house through the window, might I say, just moments before and sure enough you could hear the sirens coming after him. He explained that his friend had come back and wanted to hit up a big store just before Christmas and was forced to tag along, cops got called and now here he was.

"Noted." He breathed out leaning against the worktop. He reached over and took an apple out of the fruit basket and took a big bite out of it. "Anyway, didn't we" he paused to take another bite out of his apple and swallow. "Plan to go somewhere this weekend?"

"Yes we did but with you on the run from the cops do you think going out in public is a good idea? You probably got your face caught on camera, I'm not taking that risk." you stated, sitting down at the small island you had. "But yes, we had planned to go out to the small nature trail that leads around the small mountains just south of the city, remember."

"Oh yeah, you were meant to be training to do that track thing for your friend." He said as he hung his head as his lips and chin started to quiver. He knew he had messed up and now he felt horrible. He was meant to help coach you and do the hike with you in remembrance of a friend who lost his fight battling cancer. "Yes... I was... But with you in trouble I can't go out there and do it with you so it will have to wait." You huffed laying your head on the island. "Unless..." you said, raising your head and grinning at him. He didn't like the look you were giving him but he knew this wouldn't be an arguing matter.


"Really Y/N, I'm sorry I messed up but must we really go to these lengths." he huffed looking in the mirror. The reflection that greeted him was one of embarrassment. He wore a fake moustache and some very bright yellow joggers followed by a bright green track shirt that showed off his pale arms. "Yes we must Harry, I need to get this training done and I will do it by any means possible." You sassed back as you started to stretch in your black leggings and pink track top.

"But I highly doubt they will be looking for me out there at this time in the evening."

"It's 7:49pm, they have all night to try and find you Harry and you have done this before, you need to kick the habit, maybe getting out there and putting that energy into something else might be useful. You never know you might have found a new hobby that puts to use that stamina you have." You smiled as you shook out your limbs. "Right, I'm ready to go when you are." You smiled as he looked in the mirror one more time, still very unimpressed with the sight that looked back at him but he had done this to himself so he wouldn't even argue. "Right, let's go."

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