Need some help? (Robert x Reader)

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A/N - Hi! So as I was going through editing this book for your viewing pleasure I noticed some people are younger than I anticipated so for your age make it your age plus 10 years if you are under 18 as Robert in this one is about 35.



"Robert, what are you doing?"
"To be frankly honest, I haven't the slightest clue my dear."
"Very well, do you think you'll be down anytime soon?"
"Yeah, about that..."
"Robert, what happened?"
"You see, I can't actually get down."
"You're joking, right?"
"No, I'm serious like a heart attack."
"Well, that serves you right for climbing in the first place." I shouted from the porch.

Second POV

So, allow me to paint the picture for you. Robert is your best friend, has been for a huge part of your life, for about 10 years. Your family's have some sort of connection and he often hung out at your house and vice versa, hence the presence he's had in your life. Your birthday was coming up and you were turning (your age) so he wanted you to come over and discuss party ideas, and ohh how that had turned around.

Somehow, and you didn't even bother to ask how, but he had managed to get stuck up a tree. Now, bearing in mind this tree is in his garden, it's quite funny. You know how leopards look when they sleep or rest on a branch, an arm and leg each side laying on his stomach, well that's exactly what Robert looked like.


"Hey Downey."
"You want a step ladder?"
"Fuck off."
"Oooohh, language. You kiss your mother with that mouth?"
"Whatever, just help me down. Please."
"Fine" I sighed "not exactly sure how though."

I walked towards the tree and looked up at Robert. "How in gods name do you expect me to help you down?"
"Stay there, I have an idea."
"What are you doing?"
"Don't worry, I've got this." he smirked. He began to climb off the branch and was now balanced between two branches in the middle of the tree. He perched himself on the edge of one. "Get ready to support my foot so I can step down."
"Ok." He lowered his foot towards me as I held out my hand to support his foot, but trust our luck, he slipped.

Next thing I knew, Robert was now falling a good 7-8 ft from the tree. Right on to me. My body was slammed back against the grass with a thud as my head began to spin.

Robert's POV

Trust our luck that I lost my footing and had nothing to grab on to, causing me to fall straight on to (Y/N). I was currently sat on her stomach, rubbing my head. "You ok?" (Y/N) asked.
"Yeah, just mild concussion. Who are you?" I joked.
"Ha ha, so funny." She groaned.
"You ok, I mean your back must be painful, what having me fall directly onto you." I asked, feeling the guilt eat away at me. "Yeah, I'm just.... Ahh!" She said, trying to stand up before whincing in pain. "Nope, you come with me. I'll fix this."

I lifted (Y/N) up off the grass and carried her inside where I took her into the guest room and placed her down on the bed, on her front. "Robert, what are-" (Y/N) began before I interrupted her. "Shhh, I've got the perfect cure for this." I hummed as I climbed on to the bed and essentially straddled her, but more half seated on her legs. "Relax, let me fix this." I soothed her, rubbing my hands gently over her neck and shoulders and occasionally under the bottom of her vest where she had slight bruising already peppering her soft skin.

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