Big OOF (A/N)

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Hey everyone, I know this isn't a chapter but you deserve to know a little b it about what's been going on.

The last couple months have been rough, I've been having issues with friends and family, job searching and volunteering here and there when I can. Now that the UK has opened up a bit more I'm hoping to get back into my stage work soon and that should provide me with something to do other than gaming. And I might look at going back to therapy since I never got to finish it properly due to the pandemic. Which reminds me...

So, two weeks ago I watched Black Widow with some friends in the cinema. The next day, two of them came back positive for COVID... they had been down to the coast and had slept in a room with five others, hardly wearing masks and sharing drinks from the bottle so no wonder, but I digress... so I've been in self isolation since then. Same boring thing day in and out. And I missed the great weather we've had over here in the UK.

So my isolation period ended at 23:59 on Friday. The last two days I have been overwhelmed with everything from friends to family and grandparents telling me COVID isn't that serious 🙄 and the job hunt isn't going well. Worst things is it's not even like I've been outside again and that's why I'm overwhelmed or anxious this is just dad to day things

First of all I just wanted to say hi to my new followers, I'm glad that you have given me a follow and been reading my book, it's means the world to me. I really appreciate it and I just want to say that seeing you all interacting in the comments makes my day, I have definitely had a mood lift from some of the comments so thank you. 

Secondly I want to apologise to those who have made requests, I will get back to them ASAP. The same goes for any RPs I have and DMs. I do apologise but it's been a rough few weeks and I need some time away from social media now that I can actually leave the house.

And the last thing in wanted to add is that's this time of year is hard for me. As some of you know, I lost my best friend Selim to cancer two years ago in September, this week it would have been his birthday, his sister just had her 21st and I missed it because I was self isolating but she had a small gathering to raise money in his memory, and then another best friend of mine has his birthday this week but it's hard for me to be happy knowing he's not here.

I graduated from university two years ago exactly and he couldn't be at my graduation because he was on a breathing machine. He told me it would be ok and he was getting better but he was on borrowed time. And that still lingers with me, just when I was graduating to go out there and make something of myself he was stuck inside, going through tests and chemo and god knows what else.

So, I want you all to know that I love you all and I'm not ignoring or forgetting anyone. I just need this next week off media or at least for the most part of the week I'll be gone but I want to try and get back into writing because I enjoy it and it makes me happy. I just need time to get my head straight and to be with friends to mourn and celebrate the life that Selim sadly had robbed from him.

So, with that said and done. I'll be back soon,
I'll be responding to DMs soon and hopefully I'll be writing again soon.

Peace out brevcakes

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