Joe Wershba x Reader (request)

290 6 12

Trying for a baby (fluff and smut)

A/N: Here's a link to the video that I used for inspiration:
And thanks robertscock for letting me use this edit of yours, they are all so amazing I highly recommend you check it out!

Thank you to ccbsrms  for requesting this one shot, sorry it took so long but I hope you enjoy it.

But hey I got it out in time for Roberts birthday hehe so without further ado... enjoy!

Joe's POV

Do you ever feel like you're drowning but you aren't near any water? Like you can't catch your breath despite being surrounded by fresh air? Screaming but the sound just doesn't come out? That's exactly how I feel right now. Work has been... well it's been shit if I was to put it frankly. What with all the conspiracy going on and the company days away from collapsing in on itself. Everything has just gotten on top of me and it's not a good feeling at all.

Driving back home the only thing I can think about was my wife. My beautiful, gorgeous wife Y/N. She has been by my side through the good times and the bad, she's seen my bad days and my good days and she treats me the same regardless. And if that isn't true love then I don't know what is.

My hands grip the steering wheel tightly as I hear the news come on the radio. It would usually be a bit of background noise to help me focus on the road on my lonely drive home but today it was full of crap from what was happening at work, the last thing I needed to hear. I reached across and turned the channel to something else, a love song flooding through my car radio. "That's much better." I sighed as I hummed the familiar tune of Earth Angel.

Earth angel, earth angel
The one I adore
Love you forever and ever more

I'm just a fool
A fool in love with you

I fell for you and I knew
The vision of your love, loveliness
I hoped and I pray that someday
I'll be the vision of your ha, happiness oh!

Earth angel, earth angel
Please be mine
My darling dear
Love you all the time

I'm just a fool
A fool in love with you

Y/N is my everything, she brightens up my day and she keeps me sane at the end of it all, I would do anything for her. I don't deserve her and that's for sure but I will definitely show her every ounce of love I can, when I can. I want to see if she's ready to take the next step in our marriage; having a baby. We've spoken about it before and I feel like we should start to think about it seriously while we can.

I turn the corner and see our house come into view, the lights on upstairs and in the living room. Y/N is probably reading her book or she's putting away the washing, she insisted on getting it done today so we can spend tomorrow doing nothing and that's exactly what we both need in my opinion.

I pull into the drive and park up the car, grab my bag from the trunk and lock the car. As I turn to get my keys I see my beautiful wife standing at the door with a smile on her face and a nice dress on. "Honey, I'm home." I smiled walking up to her and capturing her lips in a sweet kiss before she steps aside and I walk in and put my bag down.

"How was work today?" She asked, taking my hat from my head and placing it on the coat hanger as I shrugged off my jacket and put it on the hanger. "You know, the same old stuff day in and out. How's my gorgeous wife?" I smiled as I leaned down to kiss her on the lips, stealing the breath from her lungs.

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