Sherlock x Reader

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A/N - This was a request from Anna_Olivia_123_Liv I hope you enjoy it.

Y/N - Your name
Y/L/N - Your Last Name
Y/H/C - Your Hair Colour
Y/H/L - Your Hair Length

Sherlock's POV

As I sat there, ideally gazing out of the recently shattered window, I wondered what the peculiar man on the street below was up to. He had been standing there for exactly 16 minutes and 45 seconds. In this part of London no-one loiters on this street for more than 5 minutes on average, so why was this man there for triple that?

"Staring at people is extremely rude. I thought we covered this in last week's 'How to act like a normal human being' lesson."
"Yes, we did ol' chap but one can't help but begin to question this idea of 'normality' in the world, to be 'normal' one must copy others and behave in a certain way to which we would all then appear to be clones. Walking the same, dressing the same, talking the same-"
"Actually, I take it back. Stay the way you are, I don't fancy a thousand people walking around talking and acting like you."
"My dear Watson, you love me really. I know that's a secret of yours, wishing everyone was as intelligent and amazing as me." I smirked, moving from where I was perched on the windowsill. I stood and walked towards Watson and stopped dead in my tracks at the sight of him with a briefcase in hand.

"Now Holmes, as I mentioned, I shall be away for two weeks at Mary's parents house. Mrs.Hudson insisted that you would be able to cope by yourself but I took it upon myself to call in an old friend of mine to help you and make sure you stay alive." Watson finished, placing his briefcase down, ever so lightly at the right angle on his desk. "Watson ol' boy, we spoke about this before, I am the great Sherlock Holmes, I don't need a nanny and I most certainly can do the work myself." I declared, grabbing my pipe from the mantlepiece.
"Well, I'm afraid you can't have it your way as I have arranged for them to meet us here in exactly 4 minutes." Watson announced, rocking on his heels as he looked over towards the broken window.

"I certainly will not have this Watson, I can look after myself."
"How long has that window been broken Holmes? We need to get that replaced."
"Who is he anyway?"
"I'll call someone to fix this on my way out."
"And would he even meet my expectations?"
"In fact I'll be able to pay for it now."
"Would he be able to-"
"So, let me process and understand the situation here.... You are to be gone for two weeks and you have taken it upon yourself to not only get me a nanny-"
"Work partner."
"The point here is, as much as I'm sure she's is capable of handling paperwork and boring things. Will she survive a day with me?" I argued, hearing shuffling outside the door.

It was far too light to be Mrs Hudson and there was a smell that followed; clean, fresh, new and intoxicating. "Look, she is more than capable of handling herself and possibly you just don't make her life hell." Watson tutted, as he turned to face me for the first time since he walked into the room. "Fine, I shall give this young lady a chance but this is on you if it goes pear shaped." I sighed, turning swiftly on my heel and to the door. "I do believe our guest has arrived 1 minute and 24 seconds early, if you would like to invite her in."

Watson brushed down his jacket and strode towards the door. "Be nice." he whispered as he opened the door to reveal a lady  who appeared to be in her early 20's. Watson welcomed her inside the study as I backed up and glanced over her figure. For a young lady she dressed rather elegantly, maybe she was from the rich part of town. Maybe she was making good first impressions, we'll see about that my dear girl. We shall see.

Your POV

Dr. Watson opened the door to reveal a rather dark, yet incredibly detailed room. The dark colours on the wall contrasted with the lighter colors of the carpet. The oak desk in front of you, with papers and books piled high and a lamp just behind that matched the colors of the bookcases that lined the walls, filled with journals and guides on just about anything. The grand fireplace stood out the most, the slightly green colored stone made it the centerpiece of the room and helped bring, the otherwise dreary, room to life. The ornaments on the mantelpiece above the fire consisted of small souvenirs that one can only assume were from the many cases Mr.Holmes had taken on, including what looked like a rather expensive antique clock and a small box.

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