Tony Stark cares? (OC) Part Two

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* 6 months since leaving *

It's been 6 months since I left Tony and his company and let me tell you, they have certainly been nothing short of hell. I'm extremely depressed, stressed out, suicidal. My anxiety has risen and doubled and my self confidence, self esteem and self respect, of which I have worked so hard for over the years, has plummeted. As much as I hate to admit it, I have started to...self harm. This began about a month in as the nightmares worsened and I wouldn't let anyone near me, only Steve since he was strong enough to fight me off when I pushed him away.

Funny how fast news can travel in the tower, no one would believe he would do that but upon seeing the footage they were shocked, sat there mouths agape trying to comprehend what happened. To say that they despised him would be too light, I mean come on, Clint and Nat threatened to string him up in his sleep and make him pay by suffering as much pain as they could deliver. Lucky for him and for them, I told them he's not worth them losing their jobs if he ended up dead, that and he had disappeared to go on some long business trip about 2 months ago, otherwise he would be locked away from everyone with very little connection to the outside world.

Steve has been a massive help from day one over the course of the past 6 months, letting me stay with him in his little apparent, away from the city. I admit that I've become what I like to call a Social Hermit. Whenever someone attempts to come near me or converse with me, I shy away and go blank, I hide away out of fear more than anything else.

Now, I know what happened may not seem like a big deal to some, but for me it triggered some of my darker memories of which I try my hardest to forget. Let's just say that I made friends with someone who turned out to be a completely different person and put me in a position where no one should ever be.

Anyway, bad thoughts aside, Steve has been on a mission for a day or so, meaning that I have the place to my self, so rather than sitting in the eerie silence, I decided that a movie day was in order. As I scrolled through Netflix, I came to a movie about some sort of good cop gone bad, so I added it to my list. But now, for the main event..... Pulp fiction!

I settled down on the sofa, Mountain Dew, chocolate and crisps on the table in front of me and started up the film, I love older films they have this- KNOCK KNOCK... Are you serious? "Hang on."

I drudged over to the door; hair in a messy bun, baggy shirt and board shorts on because I wasn't planning on going out today. I swung open the door and looked up at a man and woman both in business attire. "Hi, how can I help you?" I smiled at them, hoping to get this over with quickly. "Hello m'am, I presume you aren't Steven Rogers. Is he home?" the man asked.
"No, I'm afraid he's not. He's gone to work."
"Ohh, very well. Is there anyone else home?" the blonde next to him asked
"No, just me but if you want you can leave a message and I'll get him to contact you later. It seems as though you may need him."
"There'll be no need for that, you'll be fine." she continued.
"What, I'm a tad con-"

In a flash, I was being pinned to the floor by the woman as she attempted to place a cloth over my mouth. "Remember, never let the enemy get the upper hand." Clint's words rang in my head. I managed to turn the tables and she was now knocked out on the floor after hitting her pressure points. I jumped up, ready to fight my other attacker who was no longer by the door. Suddenly, I felt something hit me from behind, I turned around and swept his legs from under him. After what felt like an eternity of fighting, Steve's lovely cozy apartment was turned upside down and both of the attackers were slumped up against the wall, lucky for me, I only escaped with minor injuries.

As I turned to catch my breath and call Clint or Sam, since I knew they were both in the area, I heard a low chuckle followed shortly by a series of coughs. I snapped my head around to look at the woman to see her attempting to support herself as she sat up. "What are you laughing at?"
"Poor K-Kyla" she croaked out, wiping blood from her mouth.
"How do you know my name?"
"So naive..." she smirked once again before spitting in my general direction.
"What do you me-" was as far as I got when I felt something stab my arm, penetrating the skin. "Wh-wha-"

Everything around me became clouded, one giant blur of colours as I collapsed on to my knees. I looked at my right arm to see a small, empty syringe sticking out of it. My head began to swirl and that's all I could remember before it all went black and I was consumed by the darkness.

*2 weeks have passed*

Tony's POV

"Test sequence 34, with the Mark 6.2"
"Sir, you have visitors."
"JARVIS, we've been through this. Denied access to everyone." I growled, I'm seriously not in the mood for this."I'm afraid my security procedures have been overridden."
"Overridden? Who's competent enough to do that?"
"Ohh, I have my sources..." came a voice I hadn't heard in a long
"Steven Grant Rogers, getting Dr Banner to do your dirty work. You know what, I'm disappointed. You come here with your entourage, but credit to using a superior mind-"
"Save it Stark. This is important."
"Just leave me alone and kindly get the fuck out of my-" I began, jumping up ready to continue my tests.
"Kyla's gone" Bruce interjected
"She's gone" Steve confirmed.

"What do you mean gone?"
"Gone as in, taken, kidnapped."
"How, how'd you know?"
"She's been crashed at my place for the past 6 1/2 months."
"Because, Tony, I'm her friend and that's what friends do. They look out for each other, keep each other safe, she asked that you were kept away from her and not to be told of her whereabouts. She wanted nothing to do with you Tony. She's been abandoned by everyone, I'm all she has left. I'm her best friend."
"So was I..."

"Stark, I suggest you scrub up and suit up so we can find her." Natasha said, chucking a file at me. "How long has she been gone?" I questioned, flicking through the file
"Well, I got back from my last mission 8 days ago and found my place upside down. My neighbour reported hearing a noise the night before so we reckon anytime from 19:30-14:40 the next day"
"Calm down Tony, look we've been looking for you and Kyla over the past few days. Just meet us at HQ in 30 mins, OK?"

With that said they walked out of the room. I felt my whole world collapse and turn to dust and ash around me, the one thing that I cared about, cherished was taken and believe me, I will make whoever took her pay and wish they were never born.
Hey guys. What do you reckon will happen? Who took her? Tony Stark cares about someone other than himself? I will put up Part 3 over the bank holiday but for now I leave you with this cliff hanger as my battery is on 10%.

Peace out brevcakes

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