Another A/N

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Trust me I'm as sick of these as you are it makes my book look so weird when I look at the chapter list haha


Hello again lovely people of the internet. I'm now covid free! Woooo which is great but as we know and I have learnt too many times this year, you can't have nice things

So Saturday 2nd I tested negative for the first time and that was great. Sunday was another negative and I was happy to be able to be back out and about. Tom (my boyfriend) came back from watching the cars go zoom zoom on Monday and wanted to see me. We went for a little walk and talk, did some Pokémon go and it was great. Then mum texts me, she tested positive... fuck

I head back home and realise we have no dinner so back out I go. I come home and make food and sit my sisters down to do a list of things we need to do while mum is ill and it's all done equally so it's great. The next morning I didn't see Tom on his way to work so I was the big sad but my nans dog wasn't doing too good.

This is the day before my birthday and I'm panicking because apparently my birthday is cursed. I pick up shopping after realising my sister took the day off sick, I'm on my way home and my mum calls and says my nans dog had a stroke (just like my grandad) and there's nothing that can be done and he's crossed the rainbow bridge. I break down in the shopping centre and text Tom to tell him I won't be out later for spotlight hour (pokemon go)

He calls me as I walk into Starbucks to try and pretend it's all ok. Kai was 16 and had a brilliant life so I'm just happy he's not in pain but it hurts. I'm now in Starbucks crying and getting an iced coffee to drink in the walk home. Tom ends the call to get back to work and I sit on a bench in the park and cry. Eventually I make my way home and with my my positive the best support I can offer my nan is a FaceTime or a through the window chat but that's nothing to help fill the void that Kai left. My granny was still in the hospital when this happened so we couldn't tell him because he has mood swings after the stroke and it's very sensitive talking about hard topics with him now

My birthday (6th July) happened and k did raid hour and played games with friends, Tom took me to dinner and got me flowers, he treated me like a Queen (which is hella weird for me) and we room a nice walk before ripping in the pub for a drink with friends. The night goes on and I walk him home and get an Uber back to mine, play some more games and sleep.

The next few days are me picking up my sister and doing housework while mum is sunbathing in the garden. Friday I go out with Tom and some friends to the pub for a drink and have some shots because that's what we do on birthdays haha. Got home late had a nightmare that turned into a panic attack which was not fun but I coped

Saturday I went on a double date with Tom and  our friends Peter and Erin to see Thor: Love and Thunder. Definitely go see it if you haven't already. We go for dinner afterwards and walk around the park a bit before Tom heads home and I walk back with Peter and Erin to do some shopping. Times flies and I'm sat outside a Co Op at 22:30 and my mum says where are you, grandads back from the hospital. I rush home and check on grandad and nan before going to bed myself

The next day I meet up with Tom again and do some raids and get some shopping done. Come home and grandad is ill so I stay up all night with him. This happens for the next few nights and just as he gets better nan is violently sick so I'm helping her and him by myself because mum is still positive with covid

He get to today (14th July) I'm sleep deprived, worn out mentally. I was going to spend some time tonight writing a request but grandad had other ideas. He decided to be very aggressive and verbally abusive which happens after a stroke so I've been patient but I'm hurt so I wanted to get this all out and put it somewhere.

He told me I don't love him and that I don't care and that he wishes he didn't survive the stroke, he's belittling my nan and I and threatened to tell the doctors we neglect him. It's hard and I'm struggling but I'm not giving up
Poptart_Pikachu is an absolute saint and has helped me through the hard part of the night.

Grandad now sleeping so I can relax for a bit but she was there while I was losing it slowly but also watching Sherlock to help stay positive

So thank you hun for everything you do and for being a great friend! You should go check out her profile and books, she's great!!

Anyway I'll stop boring you all and just let you know the intentions is to write when I can because I don't sleep while I'm on the night shift and hopefully that can keep my mind positive in these trying times. So I will be back soon I just don't know when. I love you all 3000 and stay safe out there.

Also Wattpad why you gotta make the text black on black background I can't see what I'm typing XD

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2022 ⏰

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