Covid 2: Electric Boogaloo (A/N)

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Hey guys!

It's been a while I know but some stuff has happened recently that has put a spanner in the works. I covered it in my last A/N but there's been a development.

The main thing is my grandad who lives next door had a stroke at the start of the year. He was healthy and mobile before it happened and now he is in and out of hospital. He's been in and out a few times now but when he's been home I've been his carer and I've sat up with him for countless hours at night and during the day to be there should he need me.

He struggles to eat food because of the choking hazard that comes after you e had a stroke, he needs to be cleaned and moved because the left side of his body had little to no movement and it's very hard for my nan to move him. My mum works from home and my dad works at a sports centre. My youngest sister is a school still and the other one doesn't want to get involved so it's up to me to be there.

He caught covid a few weeks back and got discharged while he was still positive. They took him back and then sent him home, again he was still positive. They sent him back last week (the week my sister and I had 3 concerts in 4 days) so after all that he is covid free and on meds. He refused to take them and then sat up with me for two nights complaining of pain.

After all my concerts, I came home ate and drank water and went in to see if he needed anything because my nan hurt her back pretty bad so she couldn't sleep on the sofa next to the hospital bed. I continued to do that and then on Monday I was coughing... we all know where this goes.

I took a test and boom covid positive. I isolate immediately in my room. I did T have any of my phone chargers or my laptop it was just my Xbox and my dying phone because now my mum was working and checking on grandad. Tuesday or Wednesday, I'm not sure, the doctor was called because he refused to eat and drink again so they took him to hospital AGAIN and put him back on the stroke ward.

That was the time my mum grabbed my charger and switch from in my nans and brought it to the door of my room. My laptop is still in there but I'm not risking anything so there it shall stay. I'm still positive but I went for a walk today, following local guidance of course.

That brings me to now. I'm sorry I've not been here guys but with the way things are going it's looking like I might have to take a long hiatus for writing which I don't want to do but with family being my priority right now there's no time to sit down and write sadly.

So I want to thank you all and say you have been so supportive over the years and I've made some wonderful friends on here. This isn't goodbye this is a see you soon post. I will be back, I don't know when but I'll be back I promise. I'll still be lerking and reading on here from time to time but not writing/posting for a while. I apologise to those with a request, I feel like I've let you down but I can't help it.

I love you all in every universe and I hope you understand the unfortunate situation I've been put in.

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