Hank Palmer AU

542 18 4

Second Person POV

You and Hank had been stuck inside due to the quarantine/lockdown that was in place to stop the spread of COVID-19. It wasn't all that bad in the long run because with Hank working from home and his court cases put on hold, it gave you and him the perfect chance to sort through the house and the spare room that you had both been putting off cleaning for months now. Complaining about not enough space and no where to put things that had been sitting in boxes, wedding gifts that had been placed in here, clothes and books that had never seen the light of day. You had to do it now or never.

And what better time to do it than when you literally can't do anything else, no more excuses and sneaking off for a nap or to do literally anything else, this room was going to get done and it would be one more stress off your shoulders. And with things slowly starting to open up again, you could start to get back to normal and you could go and donate the things you didn't need to those who are less fortunate.

"Hey babe, can you pass me a rubbish sack please? I'm going to bundle all the clothes we don't want or don't need in there and take them down to the charity bank, maybe they could be useful to some of the rough sleepers so they can at least have something to look forward to in these rather uncertain times." Hank called out. You were currently in the bathroom freaking out, your period was late by about six weeks, now usually that wouldn't be an issue but since you had been home with Hank so much, you couldn't resist a few passionate nights with him and as a married couple you two had spoken about kids, mostly in passing or when around other family members, in particular your parents.

You both agreed that you'd know when the time was right and that you'd do it on your own terms as much as Hank's parents and your parents would love a grandchild, you both needed to feel ready. You had been on the pill so the worry was never present, you'd missed periods before but with the amount of free time you two had to... do things... you started to wonder if this was the pill or not. "Have I missed any this month? I'm sure I've been on top of it." You asked yourself as you picked up the packet and looked. You could hear Hank's voice in your head saying 'It's not the only thing you've been on top of.' It looked like you missed one or two in total over the last month but that shouldn't matter right? It was only twice that's all, unless you and Hank had done the deed on those days and you had forgotten...

Well, either way it would be another conversation for you and Hank to have because you were now looking at the test that you had taken, just to be sure, and hoping that it would give you a negative result. On the other hand, the more you thought about it, the more you wanted it to be positive. A nice little family with the love of your life sounded like everything that you had ever dreamed of. "Y/N?" Hank called out again. "You there?" He asked, shouting from the spare room still. "Umm, ok hun, let me grab them for you." You replied, tucking the test into the cupboard and behind your shampoo, almost forgetting what your husband wanted.

Making sure it was all normal in the bathroom you took a deep breath and stepped out with a big smile. You grabbed the bags for Hank, walking over to him with that huge smile on your face. His shirt was tight around his arms and his hair was swept to the side but just as fluffy as always. "Need help with that hot stuff?" you smiled, handing him the bags. The room had moving boxes stacked on one side, some empty boxes that could probably go into the loft on the other and in the middle was just a pile of stuff on the old garden table you meant to throw out since the refurbishment that got done. "Remind me to take this with me on the next charity shop run, someone might want it."

He looked up with that grin that always makes you weak at the knees, that right there was the reason you couldn't resist him, that and his charm. "Well, I wouldn't mind a hand... or two." He winked as he opened up one of the bags and started to throw some clothes in there. "Bet you can't be happier for me to get rid of this." He chuckled holding up a floral shirt. You shook your head. "What do you mean, I love that shirt... I just don't think it's something that you should wear to the beach... or the pool... or outside." You mumbled as he raised his brow at you, scoffing as he held it. "Yeah, you absolutely love it." He shook his head, placing it into the bag. "Honestly, I think it looked great when you were younger and not a successful lawyer. That's all I'm saying hun."

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