Have I got news for you!

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Hey guys.

I have an announcement to make...


I'm pregnant.

Joking although I had a very vivid dream last night night they made me think that. Any who...

I have teamed up with the amazing Olivia_123_Liv to create a Sherlock Holmes book. We'll both be writing it so if you are a fan of what I have done so far with my Sherlock one shots then I recommend you go check it out.

Also... if you haven't already go follow Olivia_123_Liv she has some incredible fan fics and she will also have the new book were working on on there.

So what are you waiting for you crazy kids. Go add The Secret Moriarty to your reading list and prepare yourself for one hell of a ride. Tell your friends, shout it from the rooftops, paint the town red... actually don't do the last one. But spread the word my fellow ducklings and let it be known that the time is here and the time is now.


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