Tony Stark Post Civil War continued (Tony x Reader)

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She rolled her eyes at him and sat back in her seat glad that he was back to normal as quick as ever. "Glad to have you back to your egotistical self old man." She teased, watching him sit up straight and flex his arms, hearing them click as he did so. His head turned and gave her a smirk. "Oh darling we both know I'm not old and you're just jealous because you aren't me... but you could have me any day." He winked, serious about his statement. Y/N rolled her eyes in return, a small blush rising to her cheeks. "Yeah yeah, whatever you say. So you're gonna open this right...or not..." She said tapping the box with the pocket knife. "I'm not the boss of you but you are dying to see what is inside it aren't you, you just won't admit it." She shrugged. She had spent so much time around Natasha it was like they were almost the same person, Tony thought.

"Fine fine, I'll open it" Tony tutted as he took the box and looked inside.


Tony reached inside the box and pulled out a letter, what looked like a shirt and a small box. He looked up at Y/N and took a deep breath as he unfolded the letter. Wow, even if he was rouge Steve still had time to write a letter, typical of the Capsicle. "Jesus Christ, you'd think this man has nothing better to do while he's on the run as a fugitive." Tony snickered, looking at Y/N. "You wanna sit and read through this piece of crap with me?" he asked, swivelling on his chair so he could face her. "Tony! I know he's been a pain in the backside but at least give him a chance, he still wants to do good I'm sure." Y/N said, sitting next to him.

Dear Tony,

I trust you got my last package and I hope you have listened to what I said before reading this, if not at least let Y/N listen to it so she can see that I mean well. I know we haven't always seen eye to eye Tony, it's been very obvious from the start and now it's only gotten more complicated. I should have spoken to you about...  that night. I never wanted it to come to this point I promise but Bucky is all I have left and I want what is best for the team, or what's left of it at least. That is why I have sent you this package, I hope this gets to you in time.

"I already want to punch him, one more time I swear that's all I want." Tony grunted, gripping the edge of the table. Y/N took the letter from him and gave him the glass of water. "Relax, please Tones it's not going to solve anything being angry, let me read it ok?" She smiled, taking the letter and continuing to read it out. At this rate he would be in his suit and out there looking to punch Steve before they even finished the letter, that was the last thing they needed right now, Steve sounded like something was wrong from the way he worded that last sentence. "You good to continue?" Tony nodded and sat there with his hands on his lap.

I have been in talks with an associate of mine and we have been cleaning up the small disturbances we have been seeing around the world, super villains as they seem to have dubbed themselves. But last week, we picked something up on radar that wasn't of our world, it's nothing like I have seen before and with a little help from our friends in Wakanda, we've found that there is a stray signal coming from space. Now, if anyone is capable of mapping space and monitoring it, it would be you Tony. I don't know what we're up against but I hope it isn't something we need to worry about, maybe a piece of tech gone rogue but you know as well as I do, we can't take chances.

Tony, I say this as another person who doesn't want the world to descend into madness but I need you to listen to me and what I have to say. Firstly, I want you to open the small box that came with this letter. This is of the utmost importance and if you are still making trips to and from the compound then I advise you take it there.

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